Trump never listen, that is one of his problems. He thinks he’s always right and he never is, about anything. He is such a loser! He is a loser in business, a loser in politics, a loser in his love life. Countless women and girls have complained about him for sexual assault. Nothing ever happens to him. How is that even possible? He has committed so many crimes against humanity and every thing in between. I don’t know how or why he believes he is above the law. He has done nothing for anyone, ever. His charity was a fraud. He robbed his own casinos. Everything he touched, failed. Another pandemic is coming and he will fail again and more people will die.

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I hope the empty headed yutzes who voted for him get every single thing they asked for,in Spades.Higher prices,loss of benefits they(and we!)take for granted,and instability.I hope they love it all.Especially when they find out it all applies to them too!No exceptions!

I wonder how long it will take for Congress to grow a spine(and a brain,whilst they're at it!)and figure out what a mistake was made to ever listen to a single word that falls out of the liar's mouth.Also,will it be before or after we're all ruined by this shithook,before something actually gets done about it.

How funny would it be,for these people to be begging for Joe Biden to come back,and all he does is laugh and laugh at them.To me,that would be hysterical.

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So, just like any day of the week, DonOlds mouth is moving which means he is spewing bullshit. The same bullshit that gets people starving and houseless, then dead. He cares nada for us or anyone but himself. Same ole shit different day. The worlds leaders can see what is approaching and will take the necessary means to deal with the madness. How many people will loose their lives? pretty fu$king sad.

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It's a tragedy of humongous proportions. People will die.

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Part of me wishes it were possible for us to back off and say, "OK, trump. Impose those tariffs." Because if he does, we know that the consequences will be steeply increased prices. Precisely the opposite of what he promised his supporters when he told them that "China will pay the tariffs" (or I supposed now China, Canda and Mexico...). They need to see the consequences of their disastrous votes that elected him. But of course in addition to ALL of us (not just them) having to pay the taxes--not China, not Canada, not Mexico--imposing the tariffs will destroy our relationships with our closest allies. He will never learn. He will never apologize. With any luck he WILL back off from imposing the tariffs. We'll see...

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If he keeps making the cost of living higher and higher for Americans, we will have to take those jobs that nobody wants and no one else is left to do them. How do we secure our finances in this environment? If I were younger, I would have more options. This is one terrible fucking nightmare that seems unstoppable. It’s having a real effect on my health. Maybe I’ll just die and leave this bullshit all behind. Sorry about venting.

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Does apologize for being human. Those of us who have a functioning mind and a conscience SHOULD be worried. Very, very worried. Those of us who depend on government programs, and the assistance of legal immigrants who are the only ones willing to care for us seniors, should be terrified.

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Thank you, Paula. Worry about fascism and a totalitarian government is certainly nothing like I have ever known in my 72 years. I hoped I never would. Thanks for commenting, Paula.

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>big hug<

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I'm in the UK and feel the same. I dread to think how difficult this is for decent Americans. Part of me wants the country to go to the dogs, just to watch fat lad fail and MAGA suffer. The problem is, half of the country is so opposed to this far-right BS and you'll suffer along with them too.

I'm sick of the suffering everywhere. I've just stressed myself into a three-day migraine over the state of the whole stinking planet. Why do we fight so hard, yet end up with the dregs of humanity lording it over us? The dumbest, cruellest of thugs?

Hang on in there. If we go, they get what they want. Right now, I feel like a squatter on the globe, refusing to budge and screaming, "You'll have to carry me out in a body bag!" That's the way even those POS will go. No one ever gets out of life alive, so make it as difficult as you can for as long as you can. Fat lad has half a country against him before he walks back into the White House. There will be a lot more against him by spring. Keep venting because you're not alone; we're all in this together. Sending a hug. 🤗

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Thanks for commenting and for your encouragement. Eleanor. I’m in my 70s and the idea of dying in a fascist country is heartbreaking. We can only take one day at a time it’s true. Part of the problem is the waiting. Again, I greatly appreciate your kindness and taking time to comment.

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You're welcome. Your pain is our pain.

One thing that gets me through my anxiety is watching plenty of comedy. I just laugh for a few hours and forget there's anything beyond the room I'm in. It doesn't change the world but it brightens my life for a while.

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We must thank intelligent, articulate truth-tellers like Brian Tyler Cohen (who has helped keep me from jumping off a cliff)! Brian’s incredible insights and wit are exactly what we need & will continue to need to make it through this fucking INSANITY! We’ve had to live in a Sci-Fi NIGHTMARE for over TEN years because the corporate media LOVES IT! No way do half the Americans approve of trump & Co. yet we’re CONTINUALLY told this over & over! Harris/Walz WON the election, yet the media keeps saying trump has a mandate! We must stick together & ride this out & get rid of all of them—Musk, Putin, Netanyahu et.al.—ONWARD‼️

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Thanks, Susan, for just the right kind of pep talk! I needed that. Also, I am honored when someone takes time out of their busy day to write a comment. Thank you 😊

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tRump never really listens to anyone. He just doesn’t care, doesn’t want to learn. He just wants whatever his greedy fingers want, and immediate gratification for his ego.

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Thanks Brian for once again eloquently stating all the facts so clearly. Trump voters believed all his daily spewing of lies and disinformation on using tariffs to reduce inflation and lower the cost of living on many consumer goods and stopping the flow of immigrants entering the United States to curb the spiraling immigrant related crime rates. His campaign rhetoric on how tariffs would reduce inflation and on his statistics on immigration border crossing and the spiraling of immigrant related crime rates were both lies and disinformation. Tariffs would not reduce but would significantly increase the cost of living and cause higher levels of inflation and immigration crossings have significantly declined and there has been a significant decline in crime rates with little evidence supporting that immigrant crime rates were higher. Trump must’ve missed the lectures on tariffs and their impact on the cost of living and inflation during his studies for his MBA at Wharton School of Business. On immigration, he lied about the number of immigrants crossing our borders and committing violent crimes. Without significant pushback on all the lies and disinformation from the Democrats, Trump got re-elected.

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Does anyone else have the feeling that tRumPutin just wants to burn it all to the ground? That he's going full scorched earth on the world? He's not just getting revenge on those he feels persecuted by. He's taking revenge for his entire miserable, loveless, lonely, loser, life.

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It's a weird plan to have but, here in Britain, it feels as if that's what the Tories were doing. Everything has just gone to pot: housing, transport, schools, NHS, care system, businesses. They've left nothing in a better condition than when they came into office - except their bank balances. They've spent billions on pet projects, only to never even start them in some instances. It's been one massive grift for them and their chums. And we all know that's in fat lad's Top Three, along with sexual assault and Big Macs.

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I would send this to my MAGA relatives, but they either would not read it, or would not believe it. They have really drank the kool-aid.

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Your voice is so important, Brian! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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I am ready and willing to pay the cost of goods just to bathe in the MAGA tears that are about to fall, come the new administration.

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most can't afford to.

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Trump is despicable but he is a master salesman (especially promoting himself), and it seems that he made his threats against Mexico and Canada solely for the publicity Trump would get, and concessions that may occur, and so he could boast about the discussions with him and he will claim that these resulted in great results, whether they do or not.

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White House needs to be on the sex offender registry while he legalizes rape

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