A pardon is absolutely ridiculous. Does anyone in their right mind think that Trump will modify his behaviour one inch if given a pardon? One who does is either delusional, or just plain wrong! Rule of law is already under pressure and letting Trump completely off the hook for his seditious behaviour would be the end of law in the US. It must be strongly opposed! We do not want a king, let alone a felon sociopath leading us!

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NO! NO! NO!!! Insurrection. Treason. Voting interference. Countless felonies with no consequences. No mending fences with a man-child criminal. The tolerant must push back against the intolerant.

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Why would you pardon someone that is a traitor and still committing crimes?? How is this even a question ?

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How would they elect someone for President who is a traitor and is still committing crimes? I don't know either, but they did.

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No wtf is everyone trying to let him get away with breaking every mf rule and getting away with murder! Legit he murdered people on Jan 6 wtf is wrong with these people! Hearing this come from a black man is even more infuriating because the orange buffoon is only for himself and his rich white a$$holes.

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Big thumbs up my friend.

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"You don’t hold the door open for the Barbarians at the gates."

Poor Mr. Clyburn. He still thinks we're dealing with a human being in trump. He imagines that the orange Hitler will be so grateful to be pardoned that he will do a complete 180, and cease all his plans of revenge and destruction. Magically, trump will become "presidential" and take the solemn responsibility of governing this country with awe and humility.


Has he been paying ANY attention at ALL? For almost a decade, trump has been putting his malignant narcissism on full display. His reaction to being pardoned will obviously be "I told you it was all a WITCH HUNT! The DEEP STATE has finally admitted I DID NOTHING WRONG!

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If the traitor is pardoned, Hunter will be killed. This is a prediction, a feeling based on ftrumps actons.

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Thank you, Brian, for putting in print what I have been thinking. I really hope the Democrats finally get it together, listen to your advice, and follow your action plan. It's about time the Democrats acquire a collective backbone, stand up, and advocate for a progressive, liberal democracy.

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As if America hasn't lost enough global respect. Pardon the biggest felon the country's had in decades and I hope the rest of the world washes its hands of the place. We also suffer because the U.S. has no law and order, and forces such an insane, vindictive, under-educated buffoon upon us.

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This makes zero sense, Trump is the monster, who has been handed the Whitehouse, by unintelligent, gilliable, shameless Americans, who cannot see what they done to themselves and the country. That’s a NO!NO! NO!, come Dems have some courage, grow a backbone.😐😐😞😞😡😡😡

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This guy deserves not one benefit from us. We are soon to be the opposition party. That's our new role. And I want to see him re-indicted on every one of these federal charges in 4 years. Our country should dog him legally until he's held accountable, and not just with money judgements.

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What a fool

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Thanks, Brian, I wonder if we have to start another party? Like...I don't know...the REAL Democrats? Thanks for all you do with your insightful writing and brilliant mind.

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I am so tired of mealy-mouthed Dems. Trump should never be pardoned for his crimes. But unless something big happens in the Democratic Party, it will be the same old lie-down-and-beg-for-a-belly-rub and every single election will be a repeat of 2024.

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If Democrats pardon tRump, I'm leaving the party. It will be time for a new party to be formed.

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If Ford hadn't pardoned Nixon, and Nixon had been held accountable, would there have been a Trump?

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Yes. Absolutely yes. And thank you!

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ABSOLUTELY. Pardon Trump. Especially when "Pardon" in 2024 means "get rid of him." After all, DoJ won't indict a sitting president and that's just a begged question... and SCOTUS said he's immune so long as it's part of the job.

So yes, Joe Biden, declare that part of your job is ensuring the sanctity, security, safety, and lawfulness of our nation, and "pardon" Donald Trump from this earth.

Note: I do not advocate anyone harm the non-president. That is something only the "sitting President" can lawfully do.

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