This was wonderful. I will never forget the image of poking holes in potatoes. I hope we can avoid doing that for the next four years and much longer.

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Brian, you have so much up in that brain that is so pertinent to all of us Democrats! You firmly believe in democracy, and I am gonna be very positive right now, which I haven’t been and say that democracy is going to win! We have to think positive. I voted already. It’s at the elections office. I voted blue all the way down the ticket because I’m fighting also for our democracy. Thank you Brian. For all you do. This was a wonderful chapter. And yes, I own the book.🦋💙🦋💙🦋💙

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Buy this book! I read it the first week it was out. You won't be able to put it down. Share with others. Brian Tyler Cohen has written a book that all students, young and old, should read.

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Marc is amazing. It must be difficult enough commentating on the far-right hate machine without having to battle with them in court. It's not even a fair fight but, with Marc's expertise and determination, it helps keep the law doing its job: serving the people, not the despot.

My cousin's husband was a man little known by name but I always picture him as Steve McQueen... Michael Codner was captured in Tunisia by the Germans in World War II and held at Stalag Luft III. He was one of only three men to make a successful escape, after being held for ten months. He made his way to Sweden, where he found assistance and returned to England. Only a few weeks later, he returned to the continent to fight the Germans, this time in Italy.

I keep an "anniversary book" and the Great Escape occurred on 29 October, 81 years ago. For fascism to be on the rise around the world, especially in the States, is a horror unimagined. Codner is a "sucker and loser" in the mind of a coward who dodged the draft, never mind headed back in there after being held a prisoner of war. Hearing Marc's tale of the potatoes is so heroic. People you wouldn't expect to make a difference at least tried something. They never gave up because some things are just too important to not fight for.

We are so grateful to you, Brian and Marc, plus the many other commentators who speak up and put the truth out there. Everyone who votes blue is a hero and potential saviour of democracy. There's a long way to go and, when the chips are down and I feel lost, I will think of those poking holes in potatoes, finding a way to make a difference in the face of such adversity. Your book is a delightful inspiration.

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I‘ve read your book and recommend it highly. Please tell me why Trump is still a free man after threatening Liz Chaney with a firing squad in public. As an American expat in Germany, I just don’t understand…Here, he would have been charged with inciting homicide.

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We deserve Trump, we are so damn stupid. Actually unevolved. Trump could possibly save us by getting elected, which could be the unthinkable occurrence that shakes us all awake to create a world that runs on humanitarian concerns and not on economic gain, which is what we need to get to if humanity is to survive. Subscribe to my Substack where I look for our survival -- as a committee of one for what we can do now to get organized. We have the internet but we're all gadflies where we could be a force. I'm talking about creating one!

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Hi Brian. Could I please ask a huge favour?

I've been reading comments on a YT video posted by Coach D. He and other left-wing commentators have seen massive unsubscribing since Tuesday. People are switching off - and I'm one of those who never wants to see SM again! I'm staying engaged, playing the videos, liking and keeping my subscriptions alive, even if I cannot always bear to watch or listen. And I'm in the UK. How on Earth can democratic Americans cope with this?

Would you please cover this story in a video? Something we can share, something we can come back to? Maybe get other commentators to comment on it? I mentioned the story in brief on Ken Harbaugh's Patreon and it got a few likes; Ken said he loved it. (I don't know how true that is!) Knowing there's always something we can do, no matter how small, may get people engaging again when they're ready.

The left needs to work as a team because that's what kept the fight going this far. MAGA wants to make people feel lost and defeated but, against all odds, Kamala came back into the race and took that despicable monster on. Working together. A difficult task, I know right now, but it will be their kryptonite. They cannot cope with unity and love.

Thanks for reading and I'll understand if you cannot do this. Love to you all for being brave enough to stick your heads above the parapet and deliver the truth. 💕

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