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Perhaps he feels his last resort to avoiding prison is to plead insanity and his recent behavior is planting the seed.

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That orange traitor is fortunate that we live in a country guided by the rule of law, even if HE has never abided by it. Because when he loses the election, he will not be arrested and hung for all the lies he has told and his threats to be just like hitler.

But, to his dismay, he WILL be prosecuted for his crimes, and even though the Supreme Court has been stacked by him and a spineless Senate, it is a court out of balance that will be corrected.

Looking forward to watching him squirm, like the worm he is.

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I think you know his type too, Brian! Astutely written. Thank you!

The shortest sentence is probably the most telling about Trump and his type: "He still doesn’t." He has no idea what to do about Kamala. All he has are threats because she bats away all his concepts of a plan to bring her down, as if she's playing softball with the kids in the park. This wannabe dictator demon does not have the intelligence to deal with his political rival. A woman whom he accuses of being "lazy" and "born stupid". How in the heck is he going to win against well-practised tyrant giants like Putin and Xi?

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The best piece of writing on Donald Trump I have read yet. Bravo. I'm sharing this.

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Oct 23
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In that case, he would be wanted by the law for his violation of bail, meaning he couldn't come back without being arrested. And the NY AG would be a bit annoyed, and may even freeze all the traitor's assets. A person like him, who craves adulation, could never stay quiet in hiding. I don't expect Merrick Garland to be AG not too long after VP Harris is sworn in. At least I hope not...our rule of law needs to be enforced by someone with more teeth.

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Oct 23
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Point taken. Let's win this election first.

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