Congratulations on topping the NYT best seller list. Since it's from the biased NYT I assume you'll refuse the award (kidding). Well done on your first book. I have it but haven't started it yet.
I have his book and I was not disappointed. He is a very talented young man and you will see it in his book. He actually says the truth and is not afraid to say it. I am very happy to know that he is doing great work.
Me too, I love his podcasts especially with Jamie Raskin. He has classes on his podcast and I love that because together they make sense of the madness of Washington politics.
One of the things I especially appreciate is his perspective as a young man, and his ability to reach out to young people. I left the college classroom 5 years ago. When I began teaching I was like an older brother or cool uncle. When I retired 29 years later I was as old as their grand parents.
Have you read Barbara McQuaid’s new book Attack From Within, about misinformation? I highly recommend it. It helped keep me sane while I was reading Project 2025. I read a lot go Thoreau to rehab.
I’ve been following BTC for the better part of this year on YouTube, so I was absolutely delighted to find he landed here. He’s an exceptional journalist, with remarkable intellect and a quick wit that’s refreshing and unique and completely fun to read and watch. I mean, why is it that the Right is frigging NOT any of that? Especially the intellect part?! And the fun… and so not refreshing. In fact, they’re anti-climatic, on top of all the other shit…😉
I'd recommend Brian to anyone, but specially to today's youth as a counterbalance to the hateful rhetoric of Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and his efforts to sway young people towards Trump.
When those Make Tax Disappear Again people at The Economic Club began applauding his whatever-it-was on childcare, they didn't even wait for him to finish the sentence. Like performing seals, they came in right on cue on the words "make America great again". That's how insane MAGA is: no matter the word salad around it, once he says the magic words, they erupt. Other "magic words" are vitriolic critiques or untrue superlatives.
He gets them to react to the most asinine, basic commands. Pavlov's dogs drooling for him when he says he is the best or the others are the worst. He never explains how he'll make America great again - and didn't even do it during his four years "in charge" - yet they're brainwashed to instantly react to that as if some profound wisdom came out of his lying orange mouth. A little like children clapping and cheering because mommy says they can have cake and ice cream.
He calls it a "movement", not the Republican Party. One massive bowel movement of a cult leader.
What is worse than Trump's oral sewerage: The people who buy into it and scoop iit up. I love your "toilet-flap of a mouth"! Whenever a newsclip plays one of Trump's latest oral sewerage spills, I mute the video. Otherwise, I get too angry. I enjoy your YouTube segments. Thank you! As I see this current moment, we are staring down the devil, a most vicious and malicious monster from hell. We the people must win this day.
Perhaps more saddening than shocking is how it reveals the weakness of character that is so profoundly abundant in our culture and society. Therein resides a spiritual vacancy, a subculture fueled by ignorance which feeds into and nurtures hate, intolerance and a full embrace of disinformation. The MEDIA has been a powerful agent in the progressing ruin of our country. The MEDIA has normalized the most abnormal.
If you have access to "The Atlantic", read the latest commentary by Mark Leibovich, "Hypocrisy, Spinelessness, and the Triumph of Donald Trump". It is a somewhat long read, but very insightful where Trump is considered. It underscores the moral weakness and depravity of the Republicans.
Thank you for the news recaps- and yes, I just can’t listen to drumpf and prefer not to hear his rally comments etc. I appreciate your summary of the idiocy. Protect your brain from turning to mush.
I am still discouraged that polls show that this lying, mean buffoon has almost half the country willing to say he should be president again. He should be polling at 20%. What on earth are they thinking??? Thank you for another good report though Bryan, we have to get the votes out for Harris.
I know! I will never understand it- in that town in PA where Dumpty was supposedly shot- someone had done a statue of him out of some kind of nails with that disgusting fist bump in air. That town they said in article is like 70-30 or 80-20 voting for donOLD. There is a Dem group organizing as best they can. Twitter-X is posting disgusting memes and lies about Harris. I am not on X at all but saw repostings. So scary. 💙🇺🇸💙
If they can’t pay for a child lunch then how can they pay for an operation to change their gender.
Congratulations on topping the NYT best seller list. Since it's from the biased NYT I assume you'll refuse the award (kidding). Well done on your first book. I have it but haven't started it yet.
Thanks for your insights, they're valuable to me.
I have his book and I was not disappointed. He is a very talented young man and you will see it in his book. He actually says the truth and is not afraid to say it. I am very happy to know that he is doing great work.
I’ve been getting my news from him on YouTube for a while. I agree, he’s good. And he has good guests on his podcasts.
Me too, I love his podcasts especially with Jamie Raskin. He has classes on his podcast and I love that because together they make sense of the madness of Washington politics.
One of the things I especially appreciate is his perspective as a young man, and his ability to reach out to young people. I left the college classroom 5 years ago. When I began teaching I was like an older brother or cool uncle. When I retired 29 years later I was as old as their grand parents.
Wisdom has no age and is always in season.
Have you read Barbara McQuaid’s new book Attack From Within, about misinformation? I highly recommend it. It helped keep me sane while I was reading Project 2025. I read a lot go Thoreau to rehab.
I will add it to my book list, thanks for the recommendation.
I’ve been following BTC for the better part of this year on YouTube, so I was absolutely delighted to find he landed here. He’s an exceptional journalist, with remarkable intellect and a quick wit that’s refreshing and unique and completely fun to read and watch. I mean, why is it that the Right is frigging NOT any of that? Especially the intellect part?! And the fun… and so not refreshing. In fact, they’re anti-climatic, on top of all the other shit…😉
I'd recommend Brian to anyone, but specially to today's youth as a counterbalance to the hateful rhetoric of Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and his efforts to sway young people towards Trump.
Charlie Kirk is horrible… him and his “disambiguation” rhetoric and smug look I wanna wipe off his face with a Protect 2025 Book, the entire thing.
When those Make Tax Disappear Again people at The Economic Club began applauding his whatever-it-was on childcare, they didn't even wait for him to finish the sentence. Like performing seals, they came in right on cue on the words "make America great again". That's how insane MAGA is: no matter the word salad around it, once he says the magic words, they erupt. Other "magic words" are vitriolic critiques or untrue superlatives.
He gets them to react to the most asinine, basic commands. Pavlov's dogs drooling for him when he says he is the best or the others are the worst. He never explains how he'll make America great again - and didn't even do it during his four years "in charge" - yet they're brainwashed to instantly react to that as if some profound wisdom came out of his lying orange mouth. A little like children clapping and cheering because mommy says they can have cake and ice cream.
He calls it a "movement", not the Republican Party. One massive bowel movement of a cult leader.
What is worse than Trump's oral sewerage: The people who buy into it and scoop iit up. I love your "toilet-flap of a mouth"! Whenever a newsclip plays one of Trump's latest oral sewerage spills, I mute the video. Otherwise, I get too angry. I enjoy your YouTube segments. Thank you! As I see this current moment, we are staring down the devil, a most vicious and malicious monster from hell. We the people must win this day.
It's shocking to me that one man - not even a successful or powerful man - can screw up America as badly as he has. Shocking.
Perhaps more saddening than shocking is how it reveals the weakness of character that is so profoundly abundant in our culture and society. Therein resides a spiritual vacancy, a subculture fueled by ignorance which feeds into and nurtures hate, intolerance and a full embrace of disinformation. The MEDIA has been a powerful agent in the progressing ruin of our country. The MEDIA has normalized the most abnormal.
If you have access to "The Atlantic", read the latest commentary by Mark Leibovich, "Hypocrisy, Spinelessness, and the Triumph of Donald Trump". It is a somewhat long read, but very insightful where Trump is considered. It underscores the moral weakness and depravity of the Republicans.
I love the meme that says "Dick Cheney goes for his last attempt to get into heaven and endorses Kamala." True, that.
Thank you for the news recaps- and yes, I just can’t listen to drumpf and prefer not to hear his rally comments etc. I appreciate your summary of the idiocy. Protect your brain from turning to mush.
I am still discouraged that polls show that this lying, mean buffoon has almost half the country willing to say he should be president again. He should be polling at 20%. What on earth are they thinking??? Thank you for another good report though Bryan, we have to get the votes out for Harris.
I know! I will never understand it- in that town in PA where Dumpty was supposedly shot- someone had done a statue of him out of some kind of nails with that disgusting fist bump in air. That town they said in article is like 70-30 or 80-20 voting for donOLD. There is a Dem group organizing as best they can. Twitter-X is posting disgusting memes and lies about Harris. I am not on X at all but saw repostings. So scary. 💙🇺🇸💙