Guys Trump just defied two court orders and he’s gonna face zero consequences for it— democracy is dead, idk what to say anymore. This isn’t politics as usual. And everyone is still pretending it is
Exactly. I’m listening right now to Rep. Meeks on CNN pretending that “the good thing is we’re winning in the courts”. That means nothing unless some one is held in contempt or disbarred or impeached.
Yes! These people are stuck in normalcy bias mode. Literally pretending as if the Trump administration isn’t ignoring the court rulings left and right. A judges rulings don’t matter a single iota when the defendant doesn’t listen to it. He has set the executive branch above the judicial branch— that’s dictatorship! The Supreme Court gifted this man with immunity for “official acts,” so he isn’t gonna be held accountable. It makes me wanna scream & lose it
It’s 8:15 am and the day is already unbearable. I just saw where the felon declared that Biden’s pardons are “void”!!!! We know that Patel is salivating. We still need Dems to do daily televised press conferences to answer every abominable move by Repugs. Buttigieg would be great.
I’m trying to hold on. Waking up to the news everyday has become a nightmare. Can it be long before we wake up to an executive order that a network be shut down or that all protests are now illegal? What then?Do we go into hiding? Hell, no!
This is the lame, stupid and lack of reality nonsense democrats do all the time. It is no longer up to them. We as a people need to take it to the streets just like they are doing in Poland and Belgrade. We have the power, but we don’t realize that the time is calling us NOW. Not in two or four years. BTW, I stopped watching the corporate news. They are enablers. I don’t want to hear anymore talk. If you are not leading a march of some sorts, your talk is cheap. Time for action!!
I think it needs to be stopped now. We are always warned about how threatening others in our posts is forbidden. What do we do when the president is literally threatening the lives of everyone in the country? He's another Hitler, and there's only one way that murderer was stopped. Do we want to wait until after the first 100 have been killed, wrongly imprisoned, etc? I'm just one person, but I can be a part of a big group who finally stops this.
If Trump is by some miracle impeached and has to leave, and won’t leave, then the military will have to escort him out. They swear an oath to the Constitution, not any President. Nixon resigned before he was impeached & made to leave. This could happen again if we are all vigilant. There are more people than Trump & his horrid minions!
Impeachment is completely out of the question, at least until we can actually force out the idiot in question. It doesn't do that now. I don't know what changed, but impeachment has become a joke!
And in the meantime Pam Bondi is attempting to get her brother into the Bar Association so The Cancer That IS Trump will have leverage by way of law liscense for attorneys and Judges. The speech that lunatic made at DOJ should have scared the fight back in anyone with a half ounce of sense!
Court orders mean nothing when Trump has complete immunity for "official acts", which is everything he orders. You're right, it is dictatorship. The Supreme Court gave it to him.
But his acts aren't official!! He is violating the constitution at every turn. There are constitutional limits to how executive orders can be used, that's why groups have been suing him at every turn.
He has personal immunity now as president. Court decisions are being ignored or circumvented by acting on court restraints and claiming they weren't received before acting. All his people are layers out in front of him as a cushion in any event. He also has resources to delay and exhaust court actions to force appeal or push up to Supreme Court, which he has in his pocket.
I agree I’ve watched for at least the last 10 + years as the Democrats have been too afraid to get tuff and take action. They’re supposed to be the party fighting to protect Americans rights and they still are allowing themselves to fall farther down the rabbit hole .
The left itself is a fucking mess— and we are partly to blame for where we find ourselves. We made the politicians on the left afraid to offend, even when the moment requires offense. We have made them feel more concerned about speaking pretty words as opposed to facts even if they hurt feelings. Nobody needs them to be bigots or pieces of shit, but when republicans are slinging mud, and your answer is to get a rag and clean it up like a good dog, as opposed to uniting the party behind a single message of “the republicans made this mess and are refusing to clean it,” and sling the mud right back (even after being told by your own constituents and voters that’s what they want) well.. you’re gonna lose. A winning strategy in todays political climate looks a lot less like level headedness and more like WWE
Yes but at the basis, we are not like them! We are law abiding and rule followers. We don’t lie and cheat. We can’t blame ourselves suddenly for not being the assholes they are.
But you are right: now we need to fight , with real ammunition. Actually enforcing the laws with some muscle would be a good start.
In general, Idk when it happened or how—- but the left was always (modern day) pro-human rights, antifascist anarchists (or something close to it)… idk when that switch happened where we convinced ourselves to be “good” we have to follow the rules and laws of corrupt men. If the laws and rules are corrupt themselves, it doesn’t make you “good,” for following them. I’m not saying get out and break the laws, but what I am saying is it’s time to metaphorically remove the schtick from our sphincters and realize following all the rules and norms (even while the other side is breaking them), or by contrast being too afraid to follow the rules and laws (like we see now), is what got us where we are. The Modern Day Left has always been pro-human rights above all else— and that includes above the laws and rules IF the laws and rules are encroaching on a persons freedom and/or human rights. Truthfully, Idk what will be the straw that breaks the camels back, or if that line in the sand even exists—- it feels like we are on a beach and continue to draw a line and dare them to step over it and every time they step over it and we just make another line— eventually they push us into the abyss that way.
Schumer did the right thing. At least we can still get judges on the record to say what Trump is doing is illegal and unconstitutional.
The question is - what will Democrats and people like BTC do with that information. Will they continue to blame Democrats for what Republicans have done, or raise an army to support them?
Schumer is playing politics as usual like it’s a normal time. Trump is dismantling and defunding the government with or without the government shutdown. All Schumer did was sign the left onto his agenda and give his stamp of approval on funding families being traumatized and separated. My husband is undocumented, we have been together for 16 years, we have 3 kids, the youngest is 2– fuck Schumer for voting to rip their dad and the love of my life away. For making me fear even sending them to school despite their citizenship. Fuck Schumer.
It would help immensely if Democrats quite taking the blame for what MAGA is doing to the working people. If the government had shut down-who would be blamed when Social Security checks did not go out? Oh yeah, not the people hell bent on making sure they never go out permanently! This fool is in the White House instead of the Big House he actually earned with his crime spree the last ttime.And the corporate media, for the sake of shareholders, is complicit!!
That’s Right.Schumer is but a Punk Ass Wuss and Coward. He didn’t even ATTEMPT a Filibuster. Not once. He caved immediately like a Chicken. In the 80s, this was called “Wimping Out At The Moment When you’re supposed be Brave”. Schumer did the Right thing my Ass.
No, he was. If the democrats voted against it, it would have been the democrats fault. Now whatever happens is still GOP conspired evil. Think outside your own box.
You know we have polls right? Polls prove you’re wrong. You’re still trying to gain approval from MAGA supporters— news flash friend they’re fascist, it’s always gonn be blamed on Dems with them!
Not all of them. Did you forget his own voters voted him out last time? And voted for Joe Biden... Joe Biden for God's sake. Biden beat trumpty not because he was a darling candidate but because those on-the-fence GOP voters voted dumpty out. That my friend is the game at foot.
So what, make it REAL that democrats are at fault?
Fighting back... in ways that work. Getting politically organized, canvassing neighborhoods and talking to people, making sure shut-ins get to the polls to vote..... shutting down the government will only create more division.
Let me just add- Hitler used Germany’s constitution to dismantle their constitution. Trump is doing the same, exploiting the loopholes and weaknesses in our own system. We are watching it in real time and too many ignore it. I get it it’s our brain trying to defend us and protect our peace but we have got to fight past our operating systems and force ourselves to look directly in the eyes of what’s going on.
You are lost. Dems have been doing all those things. Have you not been in politics long??? Maybe you didn’t notice the far right has a death grip on every form of media currently? Regardless of how much we do, it’s not gonna be able to compete on that level.
Besides that— again— are you new to politics?? Did you miss the fact that Trump is IGNORING court orders? That he has loyalists in all the right places? That he has everyone and everything he needs, including far right billionaires, to get his agenda done without even breaking a sweat?? Are we living in the same reality right now?
I am not giving up, I still have hope for a better future but I’ll tell you a hard truth you may not wanna hear—— we certainly aren’t gonna win by playing by old political rules that are no longer relevant or by refusing to acknowledge what’s ACTUALLY happening. It’s coming down to the wire— the only way we will be able to save the country is through well.. you fill in the blank.. IF Congress continues to bury their heads in the sand and refuse to put a check on the executive branch’s power. This isn’t a game. This is politics at the highest level with the highest stakes possible. Time to wake up and smell the covfefe.
And exactly what difference does it make if it is considered the GOP's fault? This is NOT business as usual. Which is worse, shutting down the government, (which is effectively what Musk is doing) or fighting back?
Fighting back... in ways that work. Getting politically organized, canvassing neighborhoods and talking to people, making sure shut-ins get to the polls to vote..... shutting down the government will only create more division.
@CM. What Schumer did was capitulate like the little spineless jellyfish that he is and has always been. Trump doesn’t care about courts. Did he reinstate the people unjustly fired? No. Schumer could have used the filibuster to change that Bill and get a clean CR. He did neither!! So now DC has lost $1billion in funding. All kinds of programs are cut. The VA has lost almost a billion in building new facilities. I could go on and on. So how exactly was Spineless Chuck right? And to add insult to injury, there are no guardrails on what he can do with the money in that Bill. Need I say more?
Never give up hope. Ever. Hope is resistance and it’s what has always kept people going in the fight. And don’t be afraid to look at it and call it what it is either.
Yes! I don’t see this going anywhere other than an actual civil war. There will be blood on the street next: they will send the military to shut down protests violently .
The US Marshalls should be made to enforce the court orders. What is actually going on there?? We need to know more. Reporters : go rogue ! And do your job as if you were in a foreign war: go to the front and expose everything.
I totally agree. What can we do to take this lawless dictator and his immigrant sidekick out. What if we all don't report our taxes in April- if Trump and his cronies don't pay taxes why should we? Why do we continue to broadcast his chaos and instead pay for our own broadcasting company similar to the right. no hands tied like MSNBC and CNN have. Let's spread the word and have all these young guys like Brian, Adam Mockler Jesse dollemore, etc. Let's not announce it and broadcast it and alert them let's just do it!!!!!
Federal courts do not come to a halt because of a government shutdown. Schumer led us to believe that it is wrong. Their schedules may slow down but they don't close.
There is no more of the lesser of two evils ! That’s how I’ve voted in the last 3 election. Now it’s up to the people to fight back . I’m not convinced there is a side that cares for anything more than own self interest. This is the result s from over 50 years of voting . Trust in ourselves .
Nice article. I was so disappointed that we caved. What good is it that the courts remain open when he now ignores their rulings? Should have shut it down.
No, he was right to cave. If the democrats voted against it, it would have been the democrats fault. Now whatever happens is still GOP conspired evil. Think outside your own box.
We should have taken that fight. We are "to blame" no matter what does or doesn't happen. They're saying we're to blame for Trump's completely instigated stock market plunges. If we make decisions about what to do based around what they'll blame us for, we'll do nothing at at all-- and we come back full circle.
Being blamed seems like a minor issue to me. Not giving them more power and protecting SS and Medicaid etc., was way more important. So now we can blame ourselves for that since we passed their CR.
YES. FAFO is getting deeper. I feel for the people who were hit by tornados, but FAFO is about to hit them full on. I hope they can clean it up with paper towels.
If they had shut things down it would have allowed him to do way more damage. The whole thing is horrible, but it had to be done.
Help your neighbors and get out there if you can for the protests. They are happening and we need to speak up as loudly as we can.
The good is that you have a record of court cases where people can sue, and people can still get healthcare, social security payments, and have a job.
This is no longer about Liberal vs Conservative governance - it's about Constitution vs Trumpism. Schumer didn't cave, he saved the Constitution. We need to help.
You do realize that the entire argument most people are making here is that court cases are,so far, proving to be worthless. You disagree. Fine, free speech is still allowed here.
Never worthless to have the law on your side. It makes you right. Even if the other side goes "wronger" doesn't relieve you of your responsibility of being right. When they go wronger we go righter?? It's going to be a brawl soon enough. Get the right brownie points to sway those GOPers who were, and are, sitting on the fence to come to your side. They have more power over the GOP then the DNC has.
Exactly. Proper pathway will always win out. The proper pathway in Harris' election strategy was to attack trumpty at every turn. Making him look foolish and exposing the lies...every time. But, like Hillary, her advisors were afraid it would make her look "bitchy." They knew this strategy didn't work for Hillary, why did they choose that for Harris? Could it be that both times the underlying powers behind her consultants and advisors wanted trumpty to win? Because big business believes it will gain from dumpty trumpty's election? I could have written a better strategy than constantly running the same ads to the same people who were voting for you anyway. Think the gay community was EVER going to vote for dumpty trumpty? Think feminist USA was ever going to vote trumpty? Think liberal women USA with daughters were ever going to vote trumpty? So why did 75% of your ads repeat the same message to those groups. It was like you were trying create a "us vs them" platform instead of being there for middle America as a whole. President for all. I call shenanigans.
When Elon stated he wanted a shutdown, it was obvious to me they could eliminate almost everything so easily, and never bring it back. So I thank Schumer for keeping the govt open. The Repubs have too many Aces in their deck of cards.
I think the House and Senate Dems need to each work on changing the rules they have to play by. Convince some Repubs that they have no future on this timeline.
hahahahaha as if the GOP would EVER change the rules to force equal-play and fairness into the government. They've been working overtime since Reagan to CHANGE it FROM fair to their greedy little corruption.
I think they are attacking each other, and taking everything as is, like using the label DOGE when it isn't a real thing, and blaming Musk when he's not "in charge", but mostly giving them the benefit of the doubt, as in reopening the govt if it shut down.
While there are no details in the Constitution for the rules of procedure in House and Senate, whatever rules are current seem unconstitutional because they make the members unequal. There's nothing in the Constitution about parties, so the party system shouldn't control things. We need impeachment, and one party should not control that.
Brawlers and Berserkers; I AM so ready!! Hello, Rep. Jasmine Crockett does not need to take off her earrings and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez definitely has the willingness and capability to brawl.
I love those two ladies. You also have to love Jamie Raskin as he loves to argue. Then Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are holding town halls in red states. Gotta love that.
Sylvia, you are correct. Every time I think about Jamie Raskin, my admiration for him soars. He overcame cancer, and his son died (I do not know if he has other children, I only know about the son he had who died). To overcome all those challenges, AND still fight for what is right for others, is beyond admirable. I took a while to warm up to both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but I have no doubt they have brawler energy, too. And I definitely admire them for holding town halls in red states. I admit, I did not know they were doing that. I have been focused on the renaziKKKans holding town halls and being booed to the depths of hell (smile).
Tim Walz just held a town hall for more than 4000 people. The only booing I heard is when he asked "Is Trump giving you, what you voted for?" I heard laughter, I heard hope. AOC is joining Bernie Sanders on his Town Halls as well. When We FIGHT, We WIN. Remember those words when you are feeling defeated.
Thank you for the info, and for the kind words, too. And I must say, what a super cool user name. Frankly, I stopped feeling defeated a few weeks ago. Now, what I feel is that I have fully embraced my Wicked Witch/Petty Bitch Goddess era, and look forward to using those energies for good, as well as to embarrass any renaziKKKans with whom I come in contact. Although, for the record, I live in New Jersey, not too far from Midtown Manhattan, so my encountering of renaziKKKans, as well as magacultians in person is virtually non-existent.
I felt defeated until I went to my first rally in Buffalo in February. Then I felt hope when I saw so many people there. I was born in Canada and moved to NC in 2008. Met and married the love of my life in 2017 after divorcing an abusive husband in 2012. Bill was a veteran who passed from stage 4 esophageal cancer which he got during the burning of the oil fields. We have 5 children and 7 grandchildren. So I am fighting for the honor of my husband - who hated Trump, I am fighting for my Canadian family and friends, and I am fighting for our children and grandchildren who live in the States. I have become an election inspector and have joined 50501 movement who has a rally organized on April 5th. I have also joined Country First which Adam Kinzinger is a part of. I have surrounded myself with people who have the same passion for democracy and the Constitution.
Sylvia, how beautiful. Sorry to hear about your good husband. Stage 4 cancer of any kind is very heavy, not that I need to tell you that. I must say, your comments today have been inspiring and motivational, too.
I agree. Schumer is spending his time now promoting his book in DC and other areas. Not in New York. I sent him an email as his office is not letting you call and leave voice mail messages.
I’ve been calling for weeks and only getting voice mail. And now no more voice mails. Emails get form responses. The town hall was cancelled. The “book tour” isn’t even in his state. I have lost all respect. If I were physically able, I would show up to protest.
I am all for bipartisanship, academically. I think we had some good examples of it in the 90s.
But I think we're in a 20+ year culture lag thinking that we are dealing with a GOP today that doesn't just abuse bipartisanship as a one-way street. We get nothing back from Republicans, ever. The current GOP is extremist, and the push towards full party lockstep goes back to at least George W. Bush (if not earlier). They've made themselves bad faith actors for bipartisanship by reinventing themselves back into a corner that if they aren't opposing anything Democrats say or do, no matter what the merits of the issue at hand may be, then they aren't being Republican (or MAGA) enough. So long as that is the situation, Democrats have not just a practical need but a democratic obligation to push for good change and what needs to be done without peeling back any proposal that won't get Republicans on board.
It is a street-fight now. Trump follows no rules. The Democrats under Schumer are bringing a toy knife to a real gun fight. Trump's radical dictatorship requires radical thinking and acting of the Democrats. What does radical mean? It certainly isn't playing it safe and being risk-adverse. To realize ideals, sometimes it takes models of radical action, ie: French revolution. Not wanted, but on the horizon if this keeps up.
It feels like the good intention of Dems is there but those that fight from a different era point need lessons in modern messaging and going off script. I hope they can get this together
It's time for US to do the thing. We call and write, but we take to the streets. We do what was done in our historical past. We march, we protest, WE FIGHT.
"THEY" aren't going to save US. WE THE PEOPLE must do it.
Look at the history. Look at the examples...there are many.
WE need to go into the streets and make our stand together. As long as we are divided we are going to become fascist and be under a lunatic dictator. French revolution anyone?
The people I have seen at our local protests are grey me. They are in their 70 and 80s and they are out there with signs...they are standing up. We need EVERYONE...look for the local places. Take videos and post them. Get out there!
Keep it burning and looting stuff. This is a peaceful protest we must do. Anything else will backfire...
I do agree with you, even though my big fear is that Trump will create False Flag Events by sending Proud Boys,or whomever, into the crowds so that he can declare martial law.
If he does that could be the time for our military, who took oaths to the Constitution...not him, to step in. I do not believe they will all break that oath.
We must create the world we want to live in, and not sit back and wait for others to save us.
He will try to make more chaos, and this is why we must not be fearful. Like the 70s, we speak out for what is right. We unify.
Think of the Veterans who died for our flag and freedom. I will stand up as they did...fear is the enemy.
I plan to continue to find my joy, have hope and be part of the change to a better world. I will hold my light like a lighthouse in a storm.
It's coming and I want to do my part. F them...let them try to make us comply. Make them earn it! As for me I will not give up my freedoms that have been so hard earned. I am woman hear me roar!
I’m sick of everything being blamed on the Democrats when you have a whole Republican Party and the circus clowns on top that are doing all this. Fuck everybody for blaming the Democrats. We need people in uniform to step up and go grab Elon and Felon47and all the head of the cabinets and shove them in a goddamn cell until we figure out what to do with them. It’s obvious they’re trying to overthrow the government. And this working by the rules isn’t gonna work, because we don’t have laws for people who are as filthy and nasty of these mother$uckers!
Who's going to give the order for arrest? The Republicans are indeed following their mob-boss. The only recourse are the Democrats, and they are NOT stepping up to defend democracy. So yes, I blame the Democrats. Who else will defend against the dictatorship? If you think it must be the people, then it will be civil war.
I agree, the time for parliamentary decorum has long passed, when dealing with a GOP bent on doing whatever it takes to run roughshod over the constitution and our country’s citizens. Democratic congressional representatives have gone on abiding by the rules, while dealing with an opposition clearly subverting those rules. The tolerance paradox and the repeated subjugation of the empathetic and moral abiding to those who wield this paradox as a weapon intertwined with identity politics. The time is now for us to recognize it and refuse to let it continue.
Bryan, for those who don’t know, could you please list specifically what Democrats in Congress should be doing? In what ways should they fight? Thank you.
The Federal Marshals must do their jobs and enforce the courts rulings when they are ignored. Those ignoring the courts should be held in jail until they do, and that includes anyone in the present administration. If this isn't done, then this isn't a democracy anymore.
In the words of Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing". As BTC has so aptly noted, the Democrats need to grow a spine and a pair of balls (collectively). The issue is that the Democrats don't have a warrior to lead them and the American people are paying the price.
I'm thinking that the assignation of The Washington Generals is being far more generous towards the Democrats than they deserve. But your point is champions in the Democratic quarters leaves me thinking I should run for office. I would make DT turn white and then orange again.
I'm wondering if the Republicans in the Senate told Schumer that they would not negotiate but allow a shutdown for as long as the Democrats refused to allow the vote on the CR. Republicans seem to enjoy handing all their power over to Trump, and they would have stretched out a shutdown for as long as Trump told them to do so. Schumer may have thought, when he initially seemed to support a shutdown, that the Republicans would follow the norms and negotiate. If so, that was a strategic mistake because Republicans no longer operate according to norms.
Democrats need a strategy that starts from assuming that Republicans will violate any formerly accepted norms.
As for now, it is a mistake to focus on targeting individual Democrats. We need to remember that the MAGA-infested Republicans are responsible.
We are all hungry to DO SOMETHING, but we need to be strategic about what that something is. The charge of the light brigade was something, but it was a completely ineffective something. The sad truth is that we do not have the votes in the Senate. Maybe our something needs to be to focus on retaking the House and increasing the number of Democrats in the Senate, as well as at the state and local level. While it does not have the satisfying smack of a charge, it will have greater effect in the long term.
I am losing hope. I am indeed tired of us proper Democrats bringing knives to gun fights. Every single action taken by this administration is immoral, illegal, and anti-American. I would like to think that fighting vigorously now can stem some of this damage, but it is overwhelming.
Now can we please begin to discuss active strategies -- both for the Congressional chambers & on the streets -- that can actually affect real resistance, given that any excuse we may give the chuds can prompt either their laughter in the face of tears & hardship or actually opening fire on us. This is NOT a defeatist statement but a declaration to Act with a viable & non- circular-firing-squad approach (both with & WITHOUT a presupposition that midterms -- or a '28 election -- will actually occur)???
Guys Trump just defied two court orders and he’s gonna face zero consequences for it— democracy is dead, idk what to say anymore. This isn’t politics as usual. And everyone is still pretending it is
Exactly. I’m listening right now to Rep. Meeks on CNN pretending that “the good thing is we’re winning in the courts”. That means nothing unless some one is held in contempt or disbarred or impeached.
Yes! These people are stuck in normalcy bias mode. Literally pretending as if the Trump administration isn’t ignoring the court rulings left and right. A judges rulings don’t matter a single iota when the defendant doesn’t listen to it. He has set the executive branch above the judicial branch— that’s dictatorship! The Supreme Court gifted this man with immunity for “official acts,” so he isn’t gonna be held accountable. It makes me wanna scream & lose it
It’s 8:15 am and the day is already unbearable. I just saw where the felon declared that Biden’s pardons are “void”!!!! We know that Patel is salivating. We still need Dems to do daily televised press conferences to answer every abominable move by Repugs. Buttigieg would be great.
Dems messaging daily is good, just not with Jeffries and Schumar!!
I’m trying to hold on. Waking up to the news everyday has become a nightmare. Can it be long before we wake up to an executive order that a network be shut down or that all protests are now illegal? What then?Do we go into hiding? Hell, no!
You're not alone in wanting to scream & lose it. That's for sure.
This is the lame, stupid and lack of reality nonsense democrats do all the time. It is no longer up to them. We as a people need to take it to the streets just like they are doing in Poland and Belgrade. We have the power, but we don’t realize that the time is calling us NOW. Not in two or four years. BTW, I stopped watching the corporate news. They are enablers. I don’t want to hear anymore talk. If you are not leading a march of some sorts, your talk is cheap. Time for action!!
I agree with you. Here is NM we have weekly protests throughout the state, and they are growing in numbers weekly.
With you 💯
And impeachment will mean nothing to Trump.
Even if by some miracle the Senate convicted him... he won't leave.
Would be a clear message.
Not a bad idea, but we'd have to force the issue. I'm not sure the way the case was suddenly dropped if that is even valid anymore.
What would be the consequences of tyranny? How many more of our country's foundational beliefs can we afford to lose?
I'm just wondering. Can we take this much longer? 2028 may definitely be too late.
I think it needs to be stopped now. We are always warned about how threatening others in our posts is forbidden. What do we do when the president is literally threatening the lives of everyone in the country? He's another Hitler, and there's only one way that murderer was stopped. Do we want to wait until after the first 100 have been killed, wrongly imprisoned, etc? I'm just one person, but I can be a part of a big group who finally stops this.
If Trump is by some miracle impeached and has to leave, and won’t leave, then the military will have to escort him out. They swear an oath to the Constitution, not any President. Nixon resigned before he was impeached & made to leave. This could happen again if we are all vigilant. There are more people than Trump & his horrid minions!
Impeachment is completely out of the question, at least until we can actually force out the idiot in question. It doesn't do that now. I don't know what changed, but impeachment has become a joke!
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
It HAS been tried. The Dump was impeached TWICE in his first term. It apparently meant absolutely nothing.
I ditched CNN!
And in the meantime Pam Bondi is attempting to get her brother into the Bar Association so The Cancer That IS Trump will have leverage by way of law liscense for attorneys and Judges. The speech that lunatic made at DOJ should have scared the fight back in anyone with a half ounce of sense!
Court orders mean nothing when Trump has complete immunity for "official acts", which is everything he orders. You're right, it is dictatorship. The Supreme Court gave it to him.
But his acts aren't official!! He is violating the constitution at every turn. There are constitutional limits to how executive orders can be used, that's why groups have been suing him at every turn.
He has personal immunity now as president. Court decisions are being ignored or circumvented by acting on court restraints and claiming they weren't received before acting. All his people are layers out in front of him as a cushion in any event. He also has resources to delay and exhaust court actions to force appeal or push up to Supreme Court, which he has in his pocket.
I agree I’ve watched for at least the last 10 + years as the Democrats have been too afraid to get tuff and take action. They’re supposed to be the party fighting to protect Americans rights and they still are allowing themselves to fall farther down the rabbit hole .
The left itself is a fucking mess— and we are partly to blame for where we find ourselves. We made the politicians on the left afraid to offend, even when the moment requires offense. We have made them feel more concerned about speaking pretty words as opposed to facts even if they hurt feelings. Nobody needs them to be bigots or pieces of shit, but when republicans are slinging mud, and your answer is to get a rag and clean it up like a good dog, as opposed to uniting the party behind a single message of “the republicans made this mess and are refusing to clean it,” and sling the mud right back (even after being told by your own constituents and voters that’s what they want) well.. you’re gonna lose. A winning strategy in todays political climate looks a lot less like level headedness and more like WWE
Yes but at the basis, we are not like them! We are law abiding and rule followers. We don’t lie and cheat. We can’t blame ourselves suddenly for not being the assholes they are.
But you are right: now we need to fight , with real ammunition. Actually enforcing the laws with some muscle would be a good start.
In general, Idk when it happened or how—- but the left was always (modern day) pro-human rights, antifascist anarchists (or something close to it)… idk when that switch happened where we convinced ourselves to be “good” we have to follow the rules and laws of corrupt men. If the laws and rules are corrupt themselves, it doesn’t make you “good,” for following them. I’m not saying get out and break the laws, but what I am saying is it’s time to metaphorically remove the schtick from our sphincters and realize following all the rules and norms (even while the other side is breaking them), or by contrast being too afraid to follow the rules and laws (like we see now), is what got us where we are. The Modern Day Left has always been pro-human rights above all else— and that includes above the laws and rules IF the laws and rules are encroaching on a persons freedom and/or human rights. Truthfully, Idk what will be the straw that breaks the camels back, or if that line in the sand even exists—- it feels like we are on a beach and continue to draw a line and dare them to step over it and every time they step over it and we just make another line— eventually they push us into the abyss that way.
I agree with you. For the first time in my life I am afraid of our government and I feel sick to my stomach this morning.😓
I do too. I’ve been trying to live normal life all god damn day but nothing about this is normal
The reason we can’t live a normal life is this administration isn’t normal, and never will be unless we all rebel and fix it.
The Democrats forgot about all the Fight and Energy they had in 2006.
Schumer did the right thing. At least we can still get judges on the record to say what Trump is doing is illegal and unconstitutional.
The question is - what will Democrats and people like BTC do with that information. Will they continue to blame Democrats for what Republicans have done, or raise an army to support them?
Schumer is playing politics as usual like it’s a normal time. Trump is dismantling and defunding the government with or without the government shutdown. All Schumer did was sign the left onto his agenda and give his stamp of approval on funding families being traumatized and separated. My husband is undocumented, we have been together for 16 years, we have 3 kids, the youngest is 2– fuck Schumer for voting to rip their dad and the love of my life away. For making me fear even sending them to school despite their citizenship. Fuck Schumer.
There were no negotiations just capitulation.
It would help immensely if Democrats quite taking the blame for what MAGA is doing to the working people. If the government had shut down-who would be blamed when Social Security checks did not go out? Oh yeah, not the people hell bent on making sure they never go out permanently! This fool is in the White House instead of the Big House he actually earned with his crime spree the last ttime.And the corporate media, for the sake of shareholders, is complicit!!
That’s Right.Schumer is but a Punk Ass Wuss and Coward. He didn’t even ATTEMPT a Filibuster. Not once. He caved immediately like a Chicken. In the 80s, this was called “Wimping Out At The Moment When you’re supposed be Brave”. Schumer did the Right thing my Ass.
We can't have a government shutdown. That is what Trump wants. It would close the courts and they are the only thing stopping him.
Schumer betrayed us. I don't know what world you live in but it isn't this one.
Schumer wasn’t in the right. Not even close.
No, he was. If the democrats voted against it, it would have been the democrats fault. Now whatever happens is still GOP conspired evil. Think outside your own box.
You know we have polls right? Polls prove you’re wrong. You’re still trying to gain approval from MAGA supporters— news flash friend they’re fascist, it’s always gonn be blamed on Dems with them!
Not all of them. Did you forget his own voters voted him out last time? And voted for Joe Biden... Joe Biden for God's sake. Biden beat trumpty not because he was a darling candidate but because those on-the-fence GOP voters voted dumpty out. That my friend is the game at foot.
So what, make it REAL that democrats are at fault?
Fighting back... in ways that work. Getting politically organized, canvassing neighborhoods and talking to people, making sure shut-ins get to the polls to vote..... shutting down the government will only create more division.
Let me just add- Hitler used Germany’s constitution to dismantle their constitution. Trump is doing the same, exploiting the loopholes and weaknesses in our own system. We are watching it in real time and too many ignore it. I get it it’s our brain trying to defend us and protect our peace but we have got to fight past our operating systems and force ourselves to look directly in the eyes of what’s going on.
You are lost. Dems have been doing all those things. Have you not been in politics long??? Maybe you didn’t notice the far right has a death grip on every form of media currently? Regardless of how much we do, it’s not gonna be able to compete on that level.
Besides that— again— are you new to politics?? Did you miss the fact that Trump is IGNORING court orders? That he has loyalists in all the right places? That he has everyone and everything he needs, including far right billionaires, to get his agenda done without even breaking a sweat?? Are we living in the same reality right now?
I am not giving up, I still have hope for a better future but I’ll tell you a hard truth you may not wanna hear—— we certainly aren’t gonna win by playing by old political rules that are no longer relevant or by refusing to acknowledge what’s ACTUALLY happening. It’s coming down to the wire— the only way we will be able to save the country is through well.. you fill in the blank.. IF Congress continues to bury their heads in the sand and refuse to put a check on the executive branch’s power. This isn’t a game. This is politics at the highest level with the highest stakes possible. Time to wake up and smell the covfefe.
What’s REAL is that valid elections don’t happen with a dictator in charge.
And exactly what difference does it make if it is considered the GOP's fault? This is NOT business as usual. Which is worse, shutting down the government, (which is effectively what Musk is doing) or fighting back?
Fighting back... in ways that work. Getting politically organized, canvassing neighborhoods and talking to people, making sure shut-ins get to the polls to vote..... shutting down the government will only create more division.
Good to see you know how to copy and paste. More division? What a joke.
Schumer needs to step aside!
He’s a Chicken. 🐔
@CM. What Schumer did was capitulate like the little spineless jellyfish that he is and has always been. Trump doesn’t care about courts. Did he reinstate the people unjustly fired? No. Schumer could have used the filibuster to change that Bill and get a clean CR. He did neither!! So now DC has lost $1billion in funding. All kinds of programs are cut. The VA has lost almost a billion in building new facilities. I could go on and on. So how exactly was Spineless Chuck right? And to add insult to injury, there are no guardrails on what he can do with the money in that Bill. Need I say more?
I agree! Democrats are fighting with rocks while trump and repubs have machine guns and missiles!!
Democracy is alive as long as we continue to struggle to keep it alive.
Never give up hope. Ever. Hope is resistance and it’s what has always kept people going in the fight. And don’t be afraid to look at it and call it what it is either.
Yes! I don’t see this going anywhere other than an actual civil war. There will be blood on the street next: they will send the military to shut down protests violently .
The US Marshalls should be made to enforce the court orders. What is actually going on there?? We need to know more. Reporters : go rogue ! And do your job as if you were in a foreign war: go to the front and expose everything.
US Marshalls: under US attorney general silly.....
She is crooked too. Do some digging about her and you will see. Rachael Maddow did just that back in March.
Oh right !😓
I totally agree. What can we do to take this lawless dictator and his immigrant sidekick out. What if we all don't report our taxes in April- if Trump and his cronies don't pay taxes why should we? Why do we continue to broadcast his chaos and instead pay for our own broadcasting company similar to the right. no hands tied like MSNBC and CNN have. Let's spread the word and have all these young guys like Brian, Adam Mockler Jesse dollemore, etc. Let's not announce it and broadcast it and alert them let's just do it!!!!!
They are doing this to be is down and make us feel powerless! We must continue to fight!
Federal courts do not come to a halt because of a government shutdown. Schumer led us to believe that it is wrong. Their schedules may slow down but they don't close.
There is no more of the lesser of two evils ! That’s how I’ve voted in the last 3 election. Now it’s up to the people to fight back . I’m not convinced there is a side that cares for anything more than own self interest. This is the result s from over 50 years of voting . Trust in ourselves .
Nice article. I was so disappointed that we caved. What good is it that the courts remain open when he now ignores their rulings? Should have shut it down.
No, he was right to cave. If the democrats voted against it, it would have been the democrats fault. Now whatever happens is still GOP conspired evil. Think outside your own box.
We should have taken that fight. We are "to blame" no matter what does or doesn't happen. They're saying we're to blame for Trump's completely instigated stock market plunges. If we make decisions about what to do based around what they'll blame us for, we'll do nothing at at all-- and we come back full circle.
Being blamed seems like a minor issue to me. Not giving them more power and protecting SS and Medicaid etc., was way more important. So now we can blame ourselves for that since we passed their CR.
YES. FAFO is getting deeper. I feel for the people who were hit by tornados, but FAFO is about to hit them full on. I hope they can clean it up with paper towels.
If they had shut things down it would have allowed him to do way more damage. The whole thing is horrible, but it had to be done.
Help your neighbors and get out there if you can for the protests. They are happening and we need to speak up as loudly as we can.
Give it a rest.
The good is that you have a record of court cases where people can sue, and people can still get healthcare, social security payments, and have a job.
This is no longer about Liberal vs Conservative governance - it's about Constitution vs Trumpism. Schumer didn't cave, he saved the Constitution. We need to help.
You do realize that the entire argument most people are making here is that court cases are,so far, proving to be worthless. You disagree. Fine, free speech is still allowed here.
Never worthless to have the law on your side. It makes you right. Even if the other side goes "wronger" doesn't relieve you of your responsibility of being right. When they go wronger we go righter?? It's going to be a brawl soon enough. Get the right brownie points to sway those GOPers who were, and are, sitting on the fence to come to your side. They have more power over the GOP then the DNC has.
A shut down would not have affected SS or Medicaid or the Postal Service.
Exactly. Proper pathway will always win out. The proper pathway in Harris' election strategy was to attack trumpty at every turn. Making him look foolish and exposing the lies...every time. But, like Hillary, her advisors were afraid it would make her look "bitchy." They knew this strategy didn't work for Hillary, why did they choose that for Harris? Could it be that both times the underlying powers behind her consultants and advisors wanted trumpty to win? Because big business believes it will gain from dumpty trumpty's election? I could have written a better strategy than constantly running the same ads to the same people who were voting for you anyway. Think the gay community was EVER going to vote for dumpty trumpty? Think feminist USA was ever going to vote trumpty? Think liberal women USA with daughters were ever going to vote trumpty? So why did 75% of your ads repeat the same message to those groups. It was like you were trying create a "us vs them" platform instead of being there for middle America as a whole. President for all. I call shenanigans.
Drop the consultants. Hire a wrestling coach.
Don’t waste time looking back. The fight is in front of us.
When Elon stated he wanted a shutdown, it was obvious to me they could eliminate almost everything so easily, and never bring it back. So I thank Schumer for keeping the govt open. The Repubs have too many Aces in their deck of cards.
I think the House and Senate Dems need to each work on changing the rules they have to play by. Convince some Repubs that they have no future on this timeline.
hahahahaha as if the GOP would EVER change the rules to force equal-play and fairness into the government. They've been working overtime since Reagan to CHANGE it FROM fair to their greedy little corruption.
What do you think they are doing now?
I think they are attacking each other, and taking everything as is, like using the label DOGE when it isn't a real thing, and blaming Musk when he's not "in charge", but mostly giving them the benefit of the doubt, as in reopening the govt if it shut down.
While there are no details in the Constitution for the rules of procedure in House and Senate, whatever rules are current seem unconstitutional because they make the members unequal. There's nothing in the Constitution about parties, so the party system shouldn't control things. We need impeachment, and one party should not control that.
Brawlers and Berserkers; I AM so ready!! Hello, Rep. Jasmine Crockett does not need to take off her earrings and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez definitely has the willingness and capability to brawl.
I love those two ladies. You also have to love Jamie Raskin as he loves to argue. Then Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are holding town halls in red states. Gotta love that.
Sylvia, you are correct. Every time I think about Jamie Raskin, my admiration for him soars. He overcame cancer, and his son died (I do not know if he has other children, I only know about the son he had who died). To overcome all those challenges, AND still fight for what is right for others, is beyond admirable. I took a while to warm up to both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but I have no doubt they have brawler energy, too. And I definitely admire them for holding town halls in red states. I admit, I did not know they were doing that. I have been focused on the renaziKKKans holding town halls and being booed to the depths of hell (smile).
Tim Walz just held a town hall for more than 4000 people. The only booing I heard is when he asked "Is Trump giving you, what you voted for?" I heard laughter, I heard hope. AOC is joining Bernie Sanders on his Town Halls as well. When We FIGHT, We WIN. Remember those words when you are feeling defeated.
Thank you for the info, and for the kind words, too. And I must say, what a super cool user name. Frankly, I stopped feeling defeated a few weeks ago. Now, what I feel is that I have fully embraced my Wicked Witch/Petty Bitch Goddess era, and look forward to using those energies for good, as well as to embarrass any renaziKKKans with whom I come in contact. Although, for the record, I live in New Jersey, not too far from Midtown Manhattan, so my encountering of renaziKKKans, as well as magacultians in person is virtually non-existent.
I felt defeated until I went to my first rally in Buffalo in February. Then I felt hope when I saw so many people there. I was born in Canada and moved to NC in 2008. Met and married the love of my life in 2017 after divorcing an abusive husband in 2012. Bill was a veteran who passed from stage 4 esophageal cancer which he got during the burning of the oil fields. We have 5 children and 7 grandchildren. So I am fighting for the honor of my husband - who hated Trump, I am fighting for my Canadian family and friends, and I am fighting for our children and grandchildren who live in the States. I have become an election inspector and have joined 50501 movement who has a rally organized on April 5th. I have also joined Country First which Adam Kinzinger is a part of. I have surrounded myself with people who have the same passion for democracy and the Constitution.
Sylvia, how beautiful. Sorry to hear about your good husband. Stage 4 cancer of any kind is very heavy, not that I need to tell you that. I must say, your comments today have been inspiring and motivational, too.
I wasn't keen on Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at first either but I admire what they are doing. Where is everyone else?
Elissa Slotkin is a badass that could definitely help the situation.
Indeed, Ms. Slotkin is a badass. I receive a lot of political Emails, but here I usually read a little more than the others.
💯💯💯 Let’s do this. Schumer still can’t lead. We need him to step down and let Chris Murphy lead.
I agree. Schumer is spending his time now promoting his book in DC and other areas. Not in New York. I sent him an email as his office is not letting you call and leave voice mail messages.
I’ve been calling for weeks and only getting voice mail. And now no more voice mails. Emails get form responses. The town hall was cancelled. The “book tour” isn’t even in his state. I have lost all respect. If I were physically able, I would show up to protest.
Sounds like the republicans. They don’t return phone calls.
Wonder how he felt when Manbaby declared "Schumer used to a Jew but he's a Palestinian now"
If I were less than 200 miles from one of his signings, I would join the folks who say they are headed to his signings with their own signs.
Schumer is a Chicken.
I am all for bipartisanship, academically. I think we had some good examples of it in the 90s.
But I think we're in a 20+ year culture lag thinking that we are dealing with a GOP today that doesn't just abuse bipartisanship as a one-way street. We get nothing back from Republicans, ever. The current GOP is extremist, and the push towards full party lockstep goes back to at least George W. Bush (if not earlier). They've made themselves bad faith actors for bipartisanship by reinventing themselves back into a corner that if they aren't opposing anything Democrats say or do, no matter what the merits of the issue at hand may be, then they aren't being Republican (or MAGA) enough. So long as that is the situation, Democrats have not just a practical need but a democratic obligation to push for good change and what needs to be done without peeling back any proposal that won't get Republicans on board.
It is a street-fight now. Trump follows no rules. The Democrats under Schumer are bringing a toy knife to a real gun fight. Trump's radical dictatorship requires radical thinking and acting of the Democrats. What does radical mean? It certainly isn't playing it safe and being risk-adverse. To realize ideals, sometimes it takes models of radical action, ie: French revolution. Not wanted, but on the horizon if this keeps up.
Schumer’s Coalition is like those Subway guys who got shot by Bernie Goetz 40 years ago: Bringing Screwdrivers to a Gunfight.
Another great article Brian and I couldn’t agree with you more. It is way past the time Democrats need to stand up and fight back.
It feels like the good intention of Dems is there but those that fight from a different era point need lessons in modern messaging and going off script. I hope they can get this together
The legal system isn't going to save us.
The courts aren't going to save us.
The Democrats aren't going to save us.
It's time for US to do the thing. We call and write, but we take to the streets. We do what was done in our historical past. We march, we protest, WE FIGHT.
"THEY" aren't going to save US. WE THE PEOPLE must do it.
Look at the history. Look at the examples...there are many.
WE need to go into the streets and make our stand together. As long as we are divided we are going to become fascist and be under a lunatic dictator. French revolution anyone?
The people I have seen at our local protests are grey me. They are in their 70 and 80s and they are out there with signs...they are standing up. We need EVERYONE...look for the local places. Take videos and post them. Get out there!
Keep it burning and looting stuff. This is a peaceful protest we must do. Anything else will backfire...
I do agree with you, even though my big fear is that Trump will create False Flag Events by sending Proud Boys,or whomever, into the crowds so that he can declare martial law.
If he does that could be the time for our military, who took oaths to the Constitution...not him, to step in. I do not believe they will all break that oath.
We must create the world we want to live in, and not sit back and wait for others to save us.
He will try to make more chaos, and this is why we must not be fearful. Like the 70s, we speak out for what is right. We unify.
Think of the Veterans who died for our flag and freedom. I will stand up as they did...fear is the enemy.
I plan to continue to find my joy, have hope and be part of the change to a better world. I will hold my light like a lighthouse in a storm.
It's coming and I want to do my part. F them...let them try to make us comply. Make them earn it! As for me I will not give up my freedoms that have been so hard earned. I am woman hear me roar!
I don’t watch any mainstream/legacy media news outlets. Have any of them covered the massive DC protest this past weekend?
Cliff Cash is leading the charge.
I’m sick of everything being blamed on the Democrats when you have a whole Republican Party and the circus clowns on top that are doing all this. Fuck everybody for blaming the Democrats. We need people in uniform to step up and go grab Elon and Felon47and all the head of the cabinets and shove them in a goddamn cell until we figure out what to do with them. It’s obvious they’re trying to overthrow the government. And this working by the rules isn’t gonna work, because we don’t have laws for people who are as filthy and nasty of these mother$uckers!
Who's going to give the order for arrest? The Republicans are indeed following their mob-boss. The only recourse are the Democrats, and they are NOT stepping up to defend democracy. So yes, I blame the Democrats. Who else will defend against the dictatorship? If you think it must be the people, then it will be civil war.
Yep. Civil War 2.0 is a lot closer than one may think 🤔
Alito, Thomas, and any other SCJ who are complicit with these authoritarians should be rounded up as well.
Support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
We already know that the magit hate cult are lost to their red hats and white hoods racist shit!
We are blaming Democrats because they are supposed to be on “our” side. Their non-action shows that they are complicit.
I agree, the time for parliamentary decorum has long passed, when dealing with a GOP bent on doing whatever it takes to run roughshod over the constitution and our country’s citizens. Democratic congressional representatives have gone on abiding by the rules, while dealing with an opposition clearly subverting those rules. The tolerance paradox and the repeated subjugation of the empathetic and moral abiding to those who wield this paradox as a weapon intertwined with identity politics. The time is now for us to recognize it and refuse to let it continue.
Bryan, for those who don’t know, could you please list specifically what Democrats in Congress should be doing? In what ways should they fight? Thank you.
The Federal Marshals must do their jobs and enforce the courts rulings when they are ignored. Those ignoring the courts should be held in jail until they do, and that includes anyone in the present administration. If this isn't done, then this isn't a democracy anymore.
We will be lucky to have elections at all soon.
In the words of Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing". As BTC has so aptly noted, the Democrats need to grow a spine and a pair of balls (collectively). The issue is that the Democrats don't have a warrior to lead them and the American people are paying the price.
My point exactly. Who is our champion? I feel like the Republicans are the Harlem Globetrotters and Dems are fine being the Washington Generals….
I'm thinking that the assignation of The Washington Generals is being far more generous towards the Democrats than they deserve. But your point is champions in the Democratic quarters leaves me thinking I should run for office. I would make DT turn white and then orange again.
I'm wondering if the Republicans in the Senate told Schumer that they would not negotiate but allow a shutdown for as long as the Democrats refused to allow the vote on the CR. Republicans seem to enjoy handing all their power over to Trump, and they would have stretched out a shutdown for as long as Trump told them to do so. Schumer may have thought, when he initially seemed to support a shutdown, that the Republicans would follow the norms and negotiate. If so, that was a strategic mistake because Republicans no longer operate according to norms.
Democrats need a strategy that starts from assuming that Republicans will violate any formerly accepted norms.
As for now, it is a mistake to focus on targeting individual Democrats. We need to remember that the MAGA-infested Republicans are responsible.
We are all hungry to DO SOMETHING, but we need to be strategic about what that something is. The charge of the light brigade was something, but it was a completely ineffective something. The sad truth is that we do not have the votes in the Senate. Maybe our something needs to be to focus on retaking the House and increasing the number of Democrats in the Senate, as well as at the state and local level. While it does not have the satisfying smack of a charge, it will have greater effect in the long term.
I am losing hope. I am indeed tired of us proper Democrats bringing knives to gun fights. Every single action taken by this administration is immoral, illegal, and anti-American. I would like to think that fighting vigorously now can stem some of this damage, but it is overwhelming.
"We Must Act."
OK, gotcha. I'm with ya all th'way.
Now can we please begin to discuss active strategies -- both for the Congressional chambers & on the streets -- that can actually affect real resistance, given that any excuse we may give the chuds can prompt either their laughter in the face of tears & hardship or actually opening fire on us. This is NOT a defeatist statement but a declaration to Act with a viable & non- circular-firing-squad approach (both with & WITHOUT a presupposition that midterms -- or a '28 election -- will actually occur)???