Using trumps own words about how many times you have to flush the toilet, you just need to keep flushing till that orange turd goes down!

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Brian this was awesome! So very proud of you! I can’t wait I’m getting your book tomorrow!! Cannot wait to crack that book open my sister and I will read it togethers. It is a very anticipated book by us. I have been watching you for geez I think maybe 6 years so this will be great!! Good luck with everything Brian!! Only the best with this book 📕

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I have been reading the book and its relevance is very clear. I have learned a lot about the origins (oranges?) of what has become today’s MAGA Party. For example, the Powell letter that you write about - that was new to me and it explains a great deal. Your systematic approach to this area of history helps this reader to see the beginning of the political pandemic in which we find ourselves.

Just a brief aside. The Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration was subjected to an effort to overthrow his Presidency. It was the Wall Street financiers who were determined to stop the New Deal. It’s something to add to the whole rise of fascism that we see now. Some of the names we can recognize even today were part of it. Here’s NPRs take. Again congrats, Brian, and thank you.

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So glad you got it and like it! Mine is coming tomorrow. I can’t wait!! Enjoy!! He is awesome 😎

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I got the book today(yay!), but no autograph. Is the nameplate coming separately?

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I would be in D.C. today if I could to hear you speak. I received your book yesterday and will read it over the weekend (It was NOT signed as I had hoped). Good luck in D.C. and please keep spreading the word. You are young and articulate, and other young people need to hear what you have to say.

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I think older voters have just as much to gain listening to him. This one at least.

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Me too!

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I have been waiting for your book to come out. I will pull it up on my Kindle and start reading it tonight, now that I know it is actually out for sure. I so look forward to it. All the best with this book, I hope you make the times best sellers list and that you wipe the floor with JD. Loved today's email article. I'm glad you switched me over with you from Patreon to Substack. I've been watching you a while, but unfortunately not from the beginning of your career. I must say that I think that you are as amazing as everyone says!!! Keep up the good work.

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Even if you didn't have a crystal ball, Brian, I'm very much looking forward to the audio recording of Shameless. Your content is among the best of all the people I've followed this election season. Consider going beyond commentary and run for office someday. Please.

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Got SHAMELESS today!

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Pre-ordered on Audible. Listening first thing tomorrow.

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# 1 Best seller on the New York Times Booklist! Congratulations, Brian. Well done!

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My copy of Shameless was delivered today. Unfortunately, I'm out of town until Friday, but I'm excited to read it!

This was a great article. You always do such an eloquent job of expressing what we are all feeling, and explaining some of the things that may be complex/confusing. Keep of the great work!

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Just received my copy last night. Can't wait to read it!

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