FRAUD Was obvious from the start when the INSPECTOR GENERALS from every agency were the first fired. A fired Inspector General is why the PPP fund had billions stolen last time Donnie was in office. Only the gullible wouldn’t have seen that Elon & Donnie are the corrupt ones. GOOD GRIEF America, WAKE UP!

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I know, right? It's crazy people actually believe their lies!

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Elon has recently partnered with Visa to offer digital payments on X. Dismantling the CFPB is entirely self serving

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Came here to say that.

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Was thinking the same thing.Musk once told Tucker Carlson that if trump didn't win the election , he,meaning Musk,was likely going to jail.Now,not only does he have the ability to quash the various investigations against him,but now he also has access to change the number of government contracts in his favor,and eliminate the competition.

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What's the betting any NASA contracts with SpaceX's rivals will be swiftly terminated and SpaceX becomes the sole supplier to NASA?

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Of course…Only in America.. or , perhaps Russia , could an unelected multi business owner of questionable ethics , who happens to be among the richest in world , be allowed to access and make changes to government agencies that weren’t just investigating him , but also gives him the opportunity to change , alter or add whichever contracts benefit his shady holdings. Trump and Musk belong in adjoining cells. Sadly , Merrick Garland dropped the ball on this.

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Our little bank, in light of the things happening have updated their systems and switched us to MC. Although it was a 2 week pain in the ass, I don't know how they found out about Elons ties to VISA but they did and I'm thankful.

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Might have to switch to mc… dang!

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Glad to hear this. I informed my credit union. While they have great fraud support I expect no change.

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CFPB helped me when I had money stolen off a visa”Visa” gift card. I called the Folks at the Visa company listed on the back of the gift card and they said it would take 30-90 days for me to get my money returned after I filled out their form. Then I stumbled onto CFPB via the Consumer protection agency and where hundreds of complaints been filed. I filed a complaint on CPAs website as well as CFPB’s detailing all of the fraud that had happened and what Visa had told me. CFPB replied immediately and the visa company contacted me and overnight mailed me two new Visa cards replacing my money after CFPB got involved.

Perhaps his due date now, but I will post on my social media. What took place with the PB because I think they’re an outstanding agency for consumers and I don’t know of any reason that would cause them to shut them down other than that it would interfere with Elon‘s plan to have people purchase visas through his social media site

also has over 300 cases that were filed on the CFPB‘s website there seem to be some stuff that came up to under the name starlink most of those all had Bank names under them so I’m not sure what that was all about if it didn’t stay on it long enough to figure it out. There were a few complaints about solar panels that were being sold via Tesla and people being ripped off through that program that was being investigated on CFT as well.

If they continue to keep the agency closed, people will have no other no other recourse then to file lawsuits themselves.

Bear with me with any typos I post in my stacks here. My phone is on the fritz. Not correcting typos as a pet peeve of mine but I’m frustrated with this phone after all day trying to text and it messes up so I may have missed a few.

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Besides upstanding lawyers and law-abiding honorable (present and former) judges, here's a growing list of Profiles in Courage men, women, and advocacy groups who refuse to be cowed or kneel to the force of Trump/Musk/MAGA/Fox "News" intimidation:

I'll begin with Missouri's own Jess[ica] (à la John Lewis's "get in good trouble") Piper, then, in no particular order, Heather Cox Richardson, Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Ruth Ben-Ghait, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Jim Acosta, Jen Rubin And the Contrarians, Steve Brodner, Brian Tyler Cohen, Jessica Craven, Annne Applebaum, Lucian Truscott IV, AOC, Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Tim Snyder, Robert B. Hubbell, Ben Meiseilas, Steve Schmidt, Josh Marshall, Paul Krugman, Andy Borowitz, Jeff Danziger, Ann Telnaes,­͏ ­͏Will Bunch, Jake Tapper, American Bar Association, Blue Missouri, Third Act, Democracy Forward, Public Citizen, Democracy Index, Democracy Docket, ACLU et al. And, as Joyce Vance says, "We're in this together"--or via Jess Piper, from rural Missouri: "Solidarity." FIGHT BACK! WE ARE NOT ALONE!

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And Stephanie Miller amplifies them all 3 hours every weekday morning with comedy gold to 6 million listeners on progressive radio and tv outlets.

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May I add Dan Rather, jasmine Crockett, Rick Wilson, Ron Filipkowski! I’m sure there’s more!

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Your thorough inclusive list of authors historians intellectuals are all my heroic experts dedicated in their knowledge learning and teaching is way of life. I devour these awesomely intelligent writers, speakers, and read only those incredibly important subject matter books that I can learn a lot from. Thats why Substack is one of my selective media information sources. A few names speaking out from Missouri. Hooray for Missouri. I'm in SW Ohio (sigh). I plan on a round trip excursion on down south where I have relatives whom I like in Georgia and the state of Missouri. Do you recall Benny Thompson who was the care master of the January 6th committee hearings now I can't he's either I think he might be in Mississippi boy I just love that guy she sounds and looks like the father of America to me I was so proud of all that dedicated work I plan to carry on, starting by rustling up some real red Republican elected an appointed officials now 75% carried manager corruption. What a shameless crack of crooks. I would love to lecture these traders on their shameless stupidity, and tell them quite frankly You're not hiding anything and quite honestly frankly You're fired. Thank you for writing your post I enjoyed the inspiration. Liz Ann

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Ask the people: "What do we want?"

The people: "The End of Autocorrect! "

Ask the people: "When do we want it?"

The people: " COW!" 🐄

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Thank you. I especially wanted to give Jess Piper some national exposure. She's a ex- teacher and former Dem state rep candidate. Never gives up fighting in rural MO and elsewhere. A real treasure. The list keeps growing: Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger (obviously). Tanks again. Sharing would be good and appreciated.

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subscribe and support these honorable people and we yet may have nation...

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Thank you!

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It’s all a sham…the deficit is not from any of these programs but from George Bush’s wars and Trumps tax cuts and his mismanagement of a pandemic. This a**hole is just going on dismantling departments that don’t add to the deficit. He’s doing it mostly for his own self interest and this is a perfect sham to hide it. If Trump just wanted to give his buddies a tax break, he would do it just like he did last time. And then he had all the a++holes from his last administration devise Project 2025 do that he can push right wing agenda to try and help Repulsicans win elections and possibly be a dictator. Musk is a cancer that has to be excised before it causes irreparable damage.

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It's likely they'll go for the "illusion of democracy" form of Dictatorship, whereby other political parties exist and can compete, but in every State controlled by Republicans, they'll use a mixture of Voter ID requirements, voter purges, onerous requirements to register as a voter, limitations on voting methods and times, plus significantly fewer polling stations and ballot drop boxes in areas likely to vote Democratic to ensure they hold their States and Elector slates in perpetuity.

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Read “the destructionists” and find out how this happened!

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Yes, The Destructionists is an eye opening clear truth telling book I first read about a year ago and just read it again this past weekend after you mentioned it here. Thank you.

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Just another narcissist revelling in his tyrannical bullying.

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You put it eloquently, I was going to say it’s just two overgrown idiots having meltdowns over anyone who questions their actions. 😂

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Must be the first time I’ve been called eloquent! Thanks. I don’t swear, and simply believe using correct and appropriate language has more impact. 😁

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Submit this post to NY Times or Wash Post as Op-ed please.

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It is obvious that the real reason Musk is rooting around in agencies is to gather data and to somehow benefit himself or his Dear Leader. It would take years and a team of hundreds of analysts to go through the millions of transactions in these agencies to find the fraud etc. Instead, the has a small team of hackers who are downloading and doing god knows what at the US Treasury. trump has literally let the robbers into the bank.

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Elon and Donnie should HANG for this hopefully broadcast nationally on all the RW media for all the gullible idiots. Entire GOP Congress should HANG with them. Swing idiots swing!

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Not surprised at all 🤣. DT would flip this USA at any given time!! I wouldn’t trust him to walk my dog😝

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If they were genuinely interested in rooting out fraud, they would have hired a Chartered Accountancy, since interrogating financial accounts is precisely what they're trained and qualified to do. A bunch of undergraduate geeks, on the other hand, are likely just qualified to do keyword searches on databases to find references to LGBT+, contraception, family planning, Planned Parenthood, gender, equality/equity/diversity/inclusion etc. - plus, of course, any funding to car manufacturers other than Tesla and space companies other than SpaceX.

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I like your comment and I wish I could do something more than letters to my reps in congress $ the senate ( they already agree with me)

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Obviously using his AI bot looking for keywords of unintended consequences

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Gee, Elon and Donnie are corrupt LIARS! What a shock!

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Fire the MuskRats.

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Stealing that, thank you!

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Do you know if Elon also has a dislike for USAID being as the supported ending apartheid?

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I think that’s part of it. But I had another thought… could it also be Elon getting rid of USAID as a quid pro quo for China (& Russia)? He’s got business in China and apparently he’s talked to Putin (God knows how many times) starting even before Trump was elected. And NOW he and his tech-bros have access to an enormous amount of US information, both government and private citizens! Oh, and let’s not forget one of his very young tech-bros had been fired by cybersecurity firm for leaking company secrets! Yeah, no alarm bells going off for me. 😡

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Weren't they also , along with the fired IG's , investigating Starlink for interferring with Ukraine's missles?

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I believe so. I think he’s going after all the agencies/departments/ppl who have investigations into any of his businesses. I think that’s a big reason they went after the FAA, too. For some reason he has a problem with the government’s investigation into his rocket exploding and debris raining down from the sky over the Caribbean causing airliners to divert to avoid the debris. Can’t imagine why the FAA would want to look into THAT! 🙄

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It really doesn’t matter how we show how this is a fraud. The maga cult will not believe it. They believe only what Trump tells them period. That being said. We still need to shove this down their damn orange spunk drinking throats!!!

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It is shamefully obvious how fraudulent his operation is, most things about this regime are extremely questionable…

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It's not clever at all. It's the same gaslighting they've always done. "If you oppose the war you must hate America." They just swapped some words out

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I truly hate him. I wish he was gone and that our govt defenders will ROOT him out. He can go upload his mind to another computer.

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Salome Persianprincess. I have great love and respect for Persian Iranian people. I lived and worked in Silicon Valley for many years but the 1990's were the best. I met Mehrdad at the business he and his brother owned 3 blocks from my Apt & my stop shop after work. He politely, respectfully requested my consideration that he take me out to dinner. I said yes, gave him my # anywhere nice the 2nd night aft, enuf time fo feel special and wear my purple dress. A properly elegant dinner, then a drink on the terrace with a view of the bay cities below. He was the best boyfriend I'd ever known. Mehrdad's older siblings, Azam, Nahid, Majid, Sharavaugn, nephews Ali, Mehdi - my Iranian family I belonged with 7+ years. I had the honor of preparing and hosting my Iranian family's first Thanksgiving in America. And this is a true story I will be telling best suited from a comedy stage. I hope you don't mind my happy Persian memory. I'm isolated awaiting knee replacement surgery. I have 2 six yr old cats. Majid & Anju talk to me more than I talk to myself. Can you tell me how are the women and girls doing or hoping in Iran? Merci LizAnn

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Well, I hope that the maga who voted musk into power are happy (trump is just musk’s puppet ) . They fell for it and now we all have to suffer!!!

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Bought and paid for.

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Ppl should note DOGE is "publishing their findings" on the DOGE website. Had to tell someone dogegov.COM IS NOT A GOVERNMENT SITE. The actual doge.gov site conspicuously has no data bc its like 7 federal crimes to knowingly put fake data on gov letterhead.

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I had to take a look myself. It’s mostly about selling meme coins. DOGE is just another scam we’ve all come to expect from DT. This time though he’s causing serious damage.

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Kind of like emptying out the US Gold Reserves and converting it to Bitcoin? The US will never see those $$$ again.

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What would it be like if Dems actually spoke to the public like this every day? what would it be like if Dems were to tell the American people these very points that you’re making every day? I just wonder if then people would understand the concern.

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