Why on God's green Earth would anyone want crazy inept people as"leadership"?They have zero intentions of doing anything for us regular citizens,who work for a living and just mind our own business.What is the appeal of all the drama and craziness,but the real things that need to be done to keep things running for the country to function,are just ignored?

These people DO NOT CARE about working, representing,or leading,they only want to rule us but we get nothing we need.

They also want to eliminate every person that does work for us regular citizens,and replace them with cronies that only work for them.Not to mention taking away every agency that would help any of us.So what's in it for us?Not a damned thing.Nothing,zilch,nada.

So why the hell would we want to vote for these kind of people?The fools who would say"to own the Libs"would soon find out the only people they would"own"are themselves,and would likely fare worse in the end.They won't see how much they will only hurt themselves,and their loved ones and neighbors.

So at the end of the day,we all lose.There's no point in that.So it falls to the rest of us to save these dunderheads from themselves,and make sure these inept morons are kept far away from any post of leadership.It is truly up to the sane to save the insane.

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Whether or not P. T. Barnum actually said it, the sentiment holds: There IS a sucker born every minute. If it were not so, the conman could not exist. It also helps the deception immensely when the press (the watchdog of the people) instead becomes the lapdog of the liars.

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Q: what do GOP supporters do if ever presented with credible evidence their candidates are unworthy of office?

A: deny, deny, deny.

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As I read your "disbelief" (tongue-in-cheek) I am reminded of Trump's mocking a disabled journalist. Robinson fits right in with that family of slimy degenerates and perverts. Brian, you wrote an entire book about those folk, a book which I am currently reading: "Shameless." Those folk lack all sense of moral decency and human dignity. Just when we think we have scraped bottom, we discover a whole new bottom. The challenge is not to be dragged down by them. They must not dampen our spirits. We must soldier onward to fight the good fight and WIN.

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