We All Have To Come Together And Do The Right Things. Stand Up To These Politicians Let Them Know And Keep Doing It. Call And Keep Calling. And Don’t Forget February 28 Day Boycott Day No Amazon, Walmart,Target, No Fast Food ETC. Fight Back Against Donald Trump And All Those Businesses retreated from diversity initiatives.

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Bravo, excellent idea. But in our senior community majority of the people that live here started doing that, especially when they saw corporate profits. So we’re going to farmers markets to buy our fruits and vegetables there. We’re going to the Mom and pop local butcher. And we have a neighbors , That have chickens that are healthy cause they’ve been checked and are selling the eggs privately and because we’re buying bulk from them. The prices for us are now at five dollars a dozen and the good part he’s delivering because the orders are so high. Our milk we’re just going to the local dairy here and buying everything from them cause it’s coming direct like literally across the street.

I believe if we keep this pressure up the message will get across


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Great that’s awesome. It starts with a few then grow into an army😊

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I'm now shopping at Food Lion. They give to the Democratic Party and they have great prices! Check out this site, I learned from, here. They have an app!... https://www.goodsuniteus.com/

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I cannot tell you how much I enjoy these economic blackouts. And if I do any shopping on Friday, February 28, 2025, it shall be local AND with cash. There is another one taking place in March that is three days long; I do not recall the dates, offhand, but I look forward to that one, too.

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I tried to do a copy/paste for you and others, but for some reason it would not let me.

I will just do my own post if you want to look me up for the info.

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Thank you, Cheryl for what you’ve posted. I did a screenshot of what you posted. I attached it to my feed under my name. I’ve also given you recognition it is important to support each other. Believe me one day starting today will make a difference for the rest of us.

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Thank you, Cheryl. Everybody in my little senior community is very much aware of these dates and yes, we are boycotting. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Cheryl, thanks for trying, and sorry for not replying sooner.

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Hi, I have posted it. Courtesy of another member here. CHERYL. I did a screenshot and attached it to my post.

I hope this helps. I’ve spoken with some of my friends in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, and they are all doing the same. And when we go shopping, we’re not using the credit card either. IT’S CASH.

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I'm marking my calendar to observe all of them...

* Economic Blackout #1 - Feb 28th (happened).

* Amazon Boycott - March 7-14th.

* Nestle Boycott - March 21-28th.

* Walmart Boycott - April 7-14th.

* Economic Blackout #2 - April 18th.

* General Mills Boycott - April 21-28th.

... Finally, when it comes to shopping, buy either Democratic or Apolitical and use this as a guide... https://www.goodsuniteus.com/

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Any boycotts should be ‘until we have our democracy back’ not just a few days here and there.

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Agreed. Gotta keep them up and boycott indefinitely the big ones. I think I may have commented to this post before. I brought up that shopping website and Copycat Recipes. That “Chik-Fil-A” boycott was a bit of a bust since both sides seem engrossed in their amazing, relatively less unhealthy (less fatty and greasy) fast food chicken and waffle fries.

Oh wait! I remember, there was a glitch on my phone, and I failed to post that comment. Okay, I mentioned that there are sites for copycat recipes and Goods Unite Us (a site which shows which companies support which politics and also has an app) … https://www.goodsuniteus.com/

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The last time I visited a Chick-Fil-A was more than two decades ago. I forgot the name of the comedy group that did a YouTube video about marrying the girlfriends of those who are against Gay marriage (both are HILARIOUS!!), and one of the guys was like, "And you know those Chick-Fil-A sandwiches are delicious!" They certainly are, but I have no problem sacrificing delicious chicken sandwiches if it makes a point, and this Gay man of Cuban origin has been doing so for twenty years, and counting.

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Yup. Another good grocery place to shop at (that has good prices and doesn't give to the GOP) is Aldi. They have what has colloquially been dubbed as the "Red Bag Chicken". Some say it tastes a bit like Chick-fil-A. One can buy Aldi's brioche buns and some pickles and make a reasonable facsimle of a "Chick-fil-A" sandwich.

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Copycat recipes (to make boycotts of GOP-friendly chain restaurants and fast-food joints easier) … https://copykat.com/

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The Amazon boycott shall be very easy for me; interestingly enough, my life partner has been shopping on Amazon.com less, which surprised me. I do not require to do the same things I do, but he knows the importance of these economic boycotts, and was surprised when, on his own, he decided to shop less on Amazon, and buy other things elsewhere. The Nestle, Walmart and General Mills boycotts are new to me, but I already knew about the Amazon one, and very much look forward to Tuesday, April 18, 2025, for Economic Boycott #2.

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Yes, excellent, your words are spot on. I’ll be boycotting too! I do call my Rep, Laura lunatic I’m sure is tired of my same message as you never get to talk to them. Starting on Senator now 😁

Remember, don’t back down but keep your integrity.

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You’re right calling Washington DC the White House flood the switchboard. The next thing is contacting your Senator your representative in Washington DC the third is your congressman locally. We’re having town meetings in March and it’s open to the public. Which is a very good thing. I’m sure there will be law-enforcement there so it doesn’t get out of hand. Because you know Trump‘s minions will be there..

I’m sure they’re fed up also and mind you so many of us did not vote for him. I don’t understand how he got in office the numbers just don’t add up.

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The best part of doing a protest. It’s not being violent. The opposing individuals can be. Usually police are there and ARRESTS are made. If we become violent, just like the proud boys and other people that want to turn our country over from diversity. And take away our freedom. Being peaceful, and in many cases, just silent and walking, our protest is the strongest that we can be. We shall overcome by Martin Luther King.

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"Laura Lunatic", LOL! I love it! I call her "Laura BOOBbert" because she's a boob with boobs. MTG becomes "Mad Margie". Trump is "Pumpkinhead", Musk is "Muskmelon", Vance is "Couchhumper", and Putin is "Czar Pootypants". Mike Johnson becomes "The Anti-Colbert/AntiColbert" because... look at him, he's Colbert's evil twin!

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They did it mostly because they wanted to, not because they were told to. UGH

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It’s like Trump‘s old attorney, Steve Bannon, one of his theories/ ideas and what is happening now. Is to FLOOD. (probably not the correct verbiage.). Make it so overwhelming that we don’t know which way to turn. But if we unite together in groups working with our congressman and senators. We can make that difference and turn it around. Yes it’s aggravating, but make that anger work for the positive outcome for all of us.

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Yeah, I'm aware of what they're doing and why. Left hand is doing one thing while the right hand is doing another. It's like the Mob and there's a bunch they're doing in the background, trying to keep that stuff from being found out before they're ready to flood with those things too.

I do what I can ... all over the place. I'm rather old to be going through all this, but I'm resilient. I'm not sure everybody is focused on all of us, but the 'all' may get swept up in the majority who don't like what's going on and we all win.

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Unfortunately the word hasn’t gone out yet to many young people that I spoke to about it.

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Mike, speak with them. Have your facts./ truth. The hardest part for me. Is being patient, take a deep breath. And share and I use what is already out there coming from Washington DC through my senator Padilla and congressman Ruiz. When you show facts not lies from your specific area, it will help open their eyes.

Remember, these are young people that are looking for guidance. Possibly new voters coming. .

When we’re dead and gone, I hope we did justice to this world not only for our lifetime whatever’s left. But especially for the new generation so they can stand on their own and keep this country free.

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Personally, having been inside senators and congressman’s offices, I’m do not think the phone calls make a difference - all they do is they make the life of congressional pages miserable

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You are correct what we buy we grow! We are actually corporate farmers. If we don’t buy it companies will die on the vine! That is one of our collective powers that will get their attention! Democracy is ‘We the people’ we have gapping hole in the fence of democracy that we can now see thanks to Trump! But we can change the tide!

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Hey Cheryl, I couldn’t do it either. But I did a screenshot and I posted it on my page. It’ll probably be really small. I don’t know. I gotta go check it out, but thank you so much for doing what you’ve done it’s gonna help the rest of us.


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Nice one

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I am way more into passive economic resistance - the violent MAGA TRASH brownshirts, proud boy and 3 percent and other thugs are empowered under Fat Nixon to attack protesters - you can damage them a lot more by not giving them a target

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Forget the days here and there. Stop spending your money on them now. And black them out forever. No reason to waste your money. I am also afraid people will just make up for the skip day on other days. Ultimately it will make no difference. I have been saying this every where i see this statement. Cut them all out. Always buy as local as possible. Support your neighbors and watch your community grow.

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Hi Brian, now what Democrats need to do, is take their own message to their constituents. Invite people in their districts fired/laid off by Elon. Have them talk about the pivotal work they did. But more importantly, tell their own stories, the toll this is having on their lives, the mental strain it is causing. These are people with mortages, health care needs, etc., who suddenly find themselves in the cold. Zoom in on Elon Musk. Who is he, an immigrant, to swoop in there and disrupt lives? Let the people tell their stories. It can also be done by organized zoom calls. I think the optics would be very powerful here. But they can also talk about finding solutions to help these families.

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100% The message also needs to be simple & strategic.

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My congressman, Paul Tonko, has this at the top of his webpage:

“Have you been fired, furloughed, or impacted by the Trump administration’s federal cuts? I encourage you to share your insights with me by taking a moment to FILL OUT THIS SURVEY.”

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Totally agreed! We should also be sure to lay in that all of these cuts to supposedly hurt others is actually hurting US! Keep reminding them that they are the ones who are going down.

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Your CORRECT! It’s hurting us. We can see the strong division. Rich/ultra rich. Than poor. US

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I want to know why people are not getting off of facebook , twitter, x, and amazon, since these are the tech rich man way of getting our info with out us knowing it ????

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I won’t be satisfied until Musk and Trump are jailed for wrecking the country and the economy. Trump should be executed!!!!

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I don't want them jailed on Earth I think a one way trip to Mars would be good

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In Washington’s time, he would be executed for being a traitor.

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Yep. Although, as much as I'd like to help in my state, I live in Texas. I'd need a miracle to convince Ted Bund- I mean Cruz, and Greg Abbott to actually do something useful.

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Never underestimate the power one one. Rosa Parks was one, Susan B. Anthony was one, MLK was one, Greta Thunger was one, Malaya was one .... Show up and others will follow

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Never said I wasn't showing up, I'll be joining the boycott this Friday. Like I said on another comment, it's less that I won't try, more so dealing with the devil and his advocates is nigh impossible. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

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Here's one holding your hand in this red abyss.

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Now two. 💙

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I also live in Texas but I still call both Cruz and Coryn about once a week more often some weeks. Coryn is up for re-election in 2026 so I tend to hit his phones harder.

Carter is my Cogress person I also call him when appropriate

When the US sided with Russia, North Korea, on the Ukraine issue I let my MAGA husband know this was his fault because he voted for this crap.

Same with increase in gas prices, and increase in food prices

Hubby has relatives who served in the military his father fought and got shot in WW2 so the Nazi salutes and siding with Putin really hit hard. Hubby is already separating himself from the MAGA movement. He is ashamed.

I tell him shame doesn't help considering to no longer vote for these MAGAs politicians will.

There is plenty we can do. We may not change the die hard stupid MAGAs but we can pick at those on the edge who like my husband really do believe in democracy.

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You know Tammy as awful as all this is happening Here locally some of the high schools have been discussing what happened on January 6 and of course it’s a red county. And it was absolute outrage. The principal was even asked to step down, and the teacher was fired.. This is a learning experience for our children to see democracy or freedom fighting. This is a learning experience for them and actually for all of us.

Because out of this, our children will learn and verbally hand these stories down to the next generation and the next I’m learning to work with my Senator in Washington DC and my congressman here locally in Riverside County. What even just one person can do can make a difference not only for myself hopefully for the next generation.

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I too live in this hell RED TEXAS! Gregg Abbotts nose is so far up Trumps ass! Nasty people Cruz, Cronyn ( go to his facebook page and he was urging all for a quick confirmation for all of Trumps choices for positions.

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I’m surprised they did that on Facebook. Between my family and I (and we’ve all quit Facebook and all social media.). We were discussing publicly on our Facebook page. We all receive notice that we were being blocked. Better known as Facebook jail. Once we were released, we took all our pictures down as much as possible, but then they froze our accounts so we closed them all we’ve been without Facebook for 10 years now. And all forms of social media and we are better offer for it so it’s just a phone call and email and better yet we’re writing letters again and guess what it’s helping the United States Post office so they can keep their job. Hopefully we can get Trump’s nominee. De joy out of there. Because he’s destroying the Post office .

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Tatiana, While I am happy to see Dejoy out of the post office, we need to make noise as to not let the post office be privatized. It is another step in voter suppression as a private firm will most likely be a knee bending oligarch who will do whatever he is told to lose mail in ballots or destroy them in some way to yet again deny one person one vote in this country. So,pressure on your representatives need to be kept up to fight back against this possibility. This administration is not for independent oversite to protect against harmful policies by corporations that affect the lives of everyday Americans.

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Trump hates mail in voting. WA, Oregon have & maybe California have all mail in ballots voting. If he takes over the USPS & makes it a political government controlled office he will be able to dictate that it will no longer be legal to mail in ballots. However states can still have secure ballot drop boxes.

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Cruz lives in Trump's anus but I take action for me more so than I do them

If nothing else lots of phone calls and email creates jobs

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Yup, Texas will remain in their awful politics until you, yes you James Bryant, join the resistance and join the fight to save your democracy from trump's horror show.

Call, write, rally, join the democrats, support organizations like the ACLU who are taking trump to court, sign petitions, speak up to save our freedoms. WE MUST RISE TOGETHER to prevent the fall of democracy.

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Already been signing and sending through the ACLU. I'm more commenting on the fact it's nigh impossible to convince the devil that he should be an angel. Doesn't mean I won't try!

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French president Macron had to correct Trump’s lies on TV!!!!

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Not a moment’s fucking peace for any of these traitorous bastards. Not a MOMENT.

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This whole episode in history is like a nightmare every night that plays during the day over and over. Is it GROUNDHOG DAY?! Will it keep playing until the cult wakes up and realizes they have had the same nightmare?!

Will their caring reach beyond their own needs and extend to the immigrants, Gazans, Ukraine, and all the people suffering due to trump, musk, putin, genocide, hate and powermongering?

Can they sustain this resistance and will more wake up? We'll see.

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When services disappear & it effects them is when they will wake up. Not until then.

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Recognize republicans aren’t necessarily afraid. It isn’t necessarily they’re just somehow sitting back and letting this happen. This is what the GOP has been building up to for years and Trump has built on. Don’t create a buffer for them by thinking they’re somehow innocent in all this, or that they’re somehow necessarily being cowed, or that at heart they’re really good people who are just like the rest of us really wishing they could speak out. Don’t give them that out. It’s a form of excusing them. They aren’t going to suddenly come around because of appeals to them to stand up. As members of congress and the senate and state governors and legislatures, they’re letting Musk do what they want to do without being held accountable for it. They’re letting Trump do what they want to do, without having to be held accountable for it. Unless they’re directly condemning all of this, they’re toeing the line. Indirect sidestepping gaslighting answers to direct questions, are all toeing the line. Stop letting them off the hook not wanting to believe this is actually the realization of their goal. This is their goal. Appealing to their better angels… is just buying them even more time to continue the assault they want. This is their opportunity, and they’ve taken it. Hold them accountable.

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Why limit the pushback against Musk's destruction of our government to Congressional Republicans?

The Republican Party as a whole is responsible for Trump's return to power and all that stems from it, including the elevation of 'President" Musk, and EVERY Republican elected official in America is complicit.

ALL Republican elected officials at every level of government (local/country/state) must be made aware that they are also being held accountable and can either stand up for the people who voted for them or face the consequences.

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Given that I have fully embraced my Wicked Witch/Petty Bitch Goddess era, I now refer to them, publicly and privately, as renaziKKKans. If they have a problem with it, they can stop acting like bigoted, racists, nazis. Then, maybe, I shall stop, but not a second before.

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"Trump is rapidly gaining a personal monopoly on the use of force. This is his most fundamental goal. This is the essence of tyranny." (Robert Reich)

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Yes, the scariest part is Trump will destroy our conscientious military personnel until he finds those who will fight the American people when we protest.

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If I were in charge, Trump, Musk, Bannon, Miller, and Greene would be in Rykers by now. Look at all the lives they have ruined.

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I want Dems into everything single possible position from County Zoning Boards to tiny town Treasurers. We all need to take up a tiny little elected position at home, so we can find all of our diamonds 💎 for the National positions!

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It was heartening to see the ire of these people against what is happening. I hope they do the right thing. Not everyone has the resources to over come this.

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