Trump takes "swing state" too literally
MVP Harris dominates the final stretch while the former President cowers from questions by making rally-goers listen to his workout playlist
With exactly three weeks remaining, the record number of voters who turned out today in the crucial battleground state of Georgia served as a crucial reminder that, if you have the opportunity to vote early (in person or by mail), please do it now!
Here’s the deal: campaigns know if you’ve voted. They don’t know who you voted for; just if you’ve cast your ballot. If you do so early, valuable resources will not be wasted. Instead, the campaign can focus its attention on the undecided voters who will decide this election. So please, get your ballots in as soon as possible. Help build the firewall we need to send Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to the Whitehouse.

Should you need an impetus to get your vote in, look no further than Harris’s felon of an opponent: an inept fascist self-destructing before our eyes. This afternoon, he sat for an interview with Bloomberg at the Economic Club of Chicago. The attempt at a conversation was described as a “total mess”:
“It quickly became clear that the former president has no conception of the mechanics of or the potential ramifications of the economic platform he’s running on. Bluntly, the former president was incoherent when pressed with real questions about his policies.”
Well, yeah. That’s because he has no policies to speak of. And being pressed by real questions is…not his strong suit. Very uncharacteristically, he appears to be self-aware that responding to anything that does not revolve entirely around himself is not friendly territory. His aversion to questions, especially tough or unexpected ones, has become alarmingly evident. Just consider:
His refusal to debate Kamala Harris a second time for a variety of garbage excuses;
Canceling his 60 Minutes interview, shattering over half a century of tradition;
His ludicrous proposal that his rambling responses are in fact an intentional “bob and weave” narrative device he uses to stitch together his gurgling thoughts;
And, most recently, shutting down last night’s Q&A portion of his rally in favor of spending 39 MINUTES on stage, doing this:
That’s right. Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania for a rally that was briefly beset by two medical emergencies back-to-back, causing him immense consternation, because Daddy wasn’t receiving all the attention. After he (presumably) considered passing out as a means of getting all the eyeballs refocused on his poorly-blended mask of a face, he showed his compassionate instinct for the infirmed, by asking jokingly whether “anybody else would like to faint.” He’s such a kidder about people who have to be removed on stretchers.
Then, from some dusty recess of whatever’s left of his brain, he decided he would just completely bail on the Q&A portion, because he finds those Q’s so…icky. Instead, he launched into one of the more surreal moments in campaign history, hollering “Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music LOUD. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” His companion for the evening, sycophant and self-described canine murderer Governor Kristy Noem obeyed, resulting in 39 MINUTES of cringe.
I mean…there’s too much to say about this rally playlist. But, as a fun exercise, play “Memory” from Cats, followed immediately by “Freedom” by Beyoncé—Harris’s campaign anthem. Then ask yourself who has the appropriate energy to be our commander in chief.
Though the vision of a deluded wannabe tough guy oscillating awkwardly while Kristy Noem attempts to clap with enthusiasm to “Ave Maria” will no doubt make for some solid late-night riffs and parodies, such antics expose a very weak man, one who is exhausted, frail, and desperate—as illuminated by Kamala’s response:
While this 78 year old man sways, bobs, weaves, and makes a muddled mockery of engaging with other humans, his opponent is in “excellent health.” Harris is extraordinarily competent and confident, and is proving as much by embracing hard questions. She is so determined to reach all fellow Americans that she is going on Fox tomorrow to sit down with Brett Baier for an interview. Why? Because she does have policies, she’s not afraid to be asked about them, and is devoted to govern for all Americans, not just those who profess undying loyalty.
One might think Trump would be delighted to learn that Harris is appearing on his insanely biased happy place of a network…but no. Likely in an attempt to pre-condition his cult-viewers to block their ears from hearing reasonable statements and the unfamiliar sound of a lucid, coherent, genuine presidential candidate, the disgraced DJ lashed out in a series of angst-filled posts today.
He claimed that Fox News “has totally lost its way” and that it was “not worthwhile” to do interviews with the network anymore. Careful, sir. Just as your crowds are dwindling, so is the tolerance of television networks and media outlets. Spitting on the one that has consistently allowed you to air your streams-of-grievances does little but add to the neverending list of ill-advised, insecure decisions you have made.
We have the power to end this circus show once and for all, and to get ourselves out of the imminent danger that we face. And don’t let Trump’s senseless 39-minute lurch routine or his lack of coherency fool you into thinking that he’s not dangerous.
As Governor Walz put it, “If this was your grandfather, you'd take the keys away. But Donald Trump is running for president of the United States. What happens if he shuts down like he did last night in the Situation Room?” At another rally he noted:
“It’s pretty funny stuff if he didn't want to be president of the United States. It's pretty funny stuff if he weren't going to try and deny women their reproductive rights. It's pretty funny stuff if he wasn't going to try and rip health care away from all of us with the ACA, or if he wasn't threatening us in different ways.”
He’s threatening us in all the ways, with a line-up of spineless election-denying cowards like JD Vance and Mike Johnson to do his bidding if he’s stuck in a sand-trap somewhere, singing “Nothing Compares 2 U.” We need to put an end to this.
So, again, if you have your ballot already, fill it out and return it right away. Let the campaigns put their resources on those undecided voters out there on whom we need to focus. Then, once Kamala wins in November, Donald will have all the time in the world to blare his feel-good tunes and sway to his heart's content from Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or a federal prison, depending on how things shake out.
This is the most important election in my lifetime. Fortunately 95% of my friends and acquaintances are voting early and voting for Harris/Walz. I can’t imagine a United States and the rest of the world with Trump as president again. Please get out and vote for our democracy, our rights, and our lives.
He had "allegations of a fraud" in 2020. Now he has "concepts of a plan" in 2024. I think those "concepts of a plan"will become "allegations of a fraud 2.0" come November.
Love to you all across the Pond who have to live with this nightmare on your own soil. I know how many of you there are, following Brian and friends, so you CAN vote him out - and into jail.